Chapter 1 - Unexpected

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Just a heads there are some swear words in this fan fiction only in character (Bakugou). Enjoy

Uraraka POV

It has been a month since Deku and I broke up, and he's already over me. That's barely any time to think about things! But start dating someone else is kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I'd heard guys get over girls quicker than girls got over guys but honestly I didn't know he would be able to get over me and date someone new in such little time. But if he's over me I need to be over him.

So I'm gonna get a new boyfriend. One that just happens to be a not-so-friendly friend of his.. Here's my plan:

- Convince Bakugou his enemy to date me

- Make it clear that I'm over Deku and have been for a while

- And then make Deku sooo jealous he'll want me back

It might seem a little harsh dating my ex's enemy and all but they're pretty similar so I doubt anyone will question it that much. The only difference is Deku's ability to control his temper. And Bakugou inability to do so.

Overall I think it's a pretty good plan, now for faze one. Class will start in a few minutes, and Bakugou just walked in.

Once he sits down I walk in his direction. He usually doesn't get up after he sits down so I should be good. But still he's pretty intimidating and can make anyone nervous. Which just happens to be exactly how I feel. It's okay. It's okay. That's what I keep telling myself.

I mean what's the worst that could happen? Getting my face blown off. That's better than having to deal with Deku dating some girl from class 1-B.

"Hey Bakugou" I hope that came out less nervous than how I feel right now. "So I was wonderi-"

"No" WHAT??? He didn't even know what I was going to say. Uh what a jerk, I just have to deal with him until I can get Deku jealous enough to date me again. Once that happens I can ignore him like I usually do.

Just as I calm my anger our teacher Aizawa sensei enters the class and orders us to take our seats. Uhhhh that went sooo bad, but it's fine I can just ask him at lunch.

Class seemed to last a life time but once the bell rang I bolted out of my seat to go talk to Bakugou but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. He was just gone.

Bakugou POV

Is she really that obsessed with that damn nerd that she wants my help. Well if that's what she wants she best not expect it to be easy.

Class is just as boring as it always is, if you ask me the only interesting class is hero training. Just cause I'm good at stuff doesn't mean I like it. Honestly

I race out the door hoping that I don't have to talk to the bitch during my lunch hour. I swear if she interrupts me she'll be sorry. With that thought in mind I got to sit in the same seat I always sit in, you might even call it my seat but someone decided to run and sit in it seconds before I could.

"What the hell?" I yelled as I turned to face the person in question.

The bitch who stole my seat looked up at me with innocence but hidden behind it was a smirk just waiting to show itself. "Move bitch!"

"Okay." The smirk she'd been hiding quickly crept onto her face as she finished her sentence. "If you hear me out."

I flipped her off. Turned around. And spoke as I was walking. "Hell no. There are other places to sit and I don't feel like helping you out."

I heard footsteps follow mine but at a quicker pace. "You didn't even know what I was gonna ask you about, plus you never help anyone so wouldn't it be nice to do that for a change." The last half of her words were a whisper only meant for her to hear but I happened to catch them and I couldn't deny it. I don't help people out.

But who cares it's not my job to help weaklings with their bull shit. So I wasn't gonna deal Pink Cheeks bull shit either.

"I know it involves Deku, and how you still-" I stated but was abruptly cut off by a small hand against my mouth. It was childish but also cute how small she was compared to me. I looked her in the eyes and she was dead serious. She definitely didn't want people knowing about her being hung up on Deku.

I noticed that her hand was still on my mouth and smirked. I slowly parted my lips and licked her hand. It's not my fault that I did it. She was basically asking for it having her hand on my mouth that long.

"Ewww, gross Bakugou!" She squealed and wiped her hand off on my bicep. For some reason this caused me to blush. I can't tell you why it happened but I can tell you I wasn't surprised.

Things like that happen to me all the time when she's around. Like how I'll catch myself staring at her during boring classes or how I can't help but smile when she sneezes like a kitten. If I could control it I would but nothing like this has ever happened to me. So the easiest solution to not having these things happen is to ignore her like I do with all the extras.

But now she wants to talk to me and it's gonna make avoiding her a lot harder.

Uraraka POV

If he's gonna be like that then I'll just have to try harder. I mean seriously he's so childish.

I ended up leaving after he just suddenly stopped talking and wouldn't look at me. Luckily the rest of the day went by quickly. While I was walking Back to the dorms I saw Mina and quickly caught up to her. When I got there she had an unusually large grin on her face. I wonder why?

"Hey Mina." I said. I guess I snuck up on her cause she jumped like 10 feet.

"Oh, hey" she says her grin growing and her cheeks turning the color of a tomato.

"You seem happy, care to share why you are?" I inquired

"Sure" She seemed awfully happy to do so which just increased my curiosity.

"Well after you got up and walked in Bakugou's direction Kirishima asked to talk to me after school, and I was like sure. On the inside though I was flipping out. The rest off the day I just kept thinking about what he might want to tell me. And guess what." 

I would have said what but she didn't even give me time to answer. 

"After school he came to my desk grabbed my wrist and took me to the roof. When we got there he gave me time to catch my breath before he, before he told my that he's had a crush on me since middle school and he asked me to be his girlfriend." 

She squealed and for a second I felt my smile falter. The fact that my bestie had a guy who'd liked her so long and she'd liked him just as long hit me like a bullet. I kept faking a smile and she kept talking.

She suddenly stopped walking and talking at the same time. She looked at me with sad guilty eyes. 

"Oh my god, oh Uraraka I'm so sorry. I forgot that you and-" I see worry and sadness sink further into her playful eyes and quickly lie "Oh it's fine I don't really like him anymore." She relaxes.

In all truth I still did like him. A lot. And it still hurt that he's over me and dating someone new.  But I put on my fake smile again and acted like nothing had happened.

We continue to walk back to the dorms and mina can't stop talking about her Kiri as she called him. Honestly though I found it kind of unexpected that Kirishima told her not the other way around. But I guess it was manly of him to confess first.

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