1k Special

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So as many of you know I just hit 1k reads on this story so I decided to write something special for all of you readers who ahve been sticking with this story every step of the way. Thank you all so much and enjoy!!! Fyi this chapter doesn't pertain to the story at all (sadly) so if you don't want to read about this cute little date you can just skip it. But I'd love it if you read it.


Uraraka POV


Katsuki, my angry pomeranian, had been acting off all week. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me? Why hasn't he talked to me for longer than 5 minuets since last Tuesday? Worries bonbarded my head. We've been dating for a month and this had never happened before. 

I just want to know what's up with him. But every time I tried to bring it up he just changes the subject without meeting my eyes. I mean can you blame me for being worried. I'm his girlfriend for christs sake. Uhhhhhh. :(

"Hey earth to Ura." Mina shouted waving her ahnd in front of my face. "The lunch bell rung like forever ago and I'm starving lets go get some lunch."

Forever Ago? Geeze I need to start paying more attention or my grades will start to drop again and I don't want that.

"Uh... yeah! Sorry Mina I guess I spaced out... again" I mubled the last part trying to hide my embarrassed blush.

"It's fine lets just hurry up before all the good food is gone and Mama Mina doesn't get her noodles!" With newfound determination in my friend's eyes she practically dragged me across the school to get 'her noodles'.

Five minuets and three new bruises later we had arrived at the girls table. Mina beaming from succesfully getting her food. I didn't share her enthusiasm, having not gotten anything out of the pointless mission.

"Oh! Mina-chan! Uraraka-chan! your finally here!" Hagakure said, proabably smiling at us. You really never know with her.

"So girls," Mom started leaning closer into the group and hushing her voice. "we haven't all hung out together and I think it's long over due. I say we all get dressed up and go to the movies tonight since it's friday."

"I don't see why-" i started but was cut off as Katsuki grabbed my shoulders and began to snpeak for me. "Sorry extras but Angel Face and I have plans today." We did? Since when?

"Well surely Bakugou it can't last all day." Mom said trying to not let her plans of a class 1a girls night die.

"Nope it will." He said blatantly. With that he walked away. Leaving me shell shocked and confused.

The girls all turned to me some ooohing while others smirked and gave a thumbs up. By others I mean Jirou. Kaminari was really starting to wear off on her.

"Seems to me like someone forgot to mention their little date with the one and only hot headed bakugou. Mina said eyeing me suspicously.

I gulped. So, basically when Katsuki and I started dating we thought it be best if we kept it a secret since we'll be heroes soon and wanted to avoid all the drama. That being said none of our classmates know. The exception being Kirishima since he walked in one me and Katsuki kissing in his bedroom. Luckily he hasn't said anything yet.

Not knowing what to say I avoided their skeptical eyes by looking down at my food the rest of lunch. It was probably the best way I could've handled it without them finding out that I'm not single.

Sooner than later I was sitting in my last class of the day anxiously waiting for the school day to end so the weekend could begin.

I felt a vibration in my bag and sneekily reached into my school bag to grab it. The text was from Katsuki. Not bothering to read the text I turned my head slightly looking at him from across the room. 

Immediatly his ruby red eyes stared back into my brown ones. A shiver ran down my spine. He seemed like he needed me to do something which now that I think about it he probably wanted me to read his text.

But I didn't I just started into his mesmerizing eyes. Searching for a sign that he wasn't mad at her. That he would talk to her soon and mostly that everything would be okay and this would blow over.

He just smirked at me and rolled his eyes returning his attention to the front of the class. My eyes remained on him the rest of the class and even after I watched him walk over to me. He crouched down and whispered in my ear.

"You never answered my text." Was all he said before walking off with Kirishima.

I quickly reached into my pocket and read his text. It shocked me. Barely any details. Just a tiem and place and how long we'd be gone. 

I smiled I had two hours before he showed up and took me on a date to who knows where. I was extatic but I couldn't show it. Then there'd be questions. I quickly got up and speedily walked to the dorms hoping to evade my friends.

"Seems like someones in a hurry." Mina said nonchalantly. Shit. Was all that went through my mind as my bestie put her arm around my shoulder and looked at me trying to figure out why I was rushed. 

"Yep you caught me. I'm rushing back to the dorms to got do the homework we got assigned over the weekend." I say not sure if we were even assigned homework.

"Ura. We don't have homework this weekend." Mina states seeing right through my lie. I freeze up, and that's when when she decided to strike.

"So now that I've seen right through your lie can you actually tell me what's going on. And I don't just me why your rushing to the dorms I mean what's been going on the past few weeks. You've been acting really different and it's scaring me. As your bestie you are obliged to tell me any secrets you might have." God I hate keeping things from her but I don't have a choice. Bakugou and I decided to keep it a secret.

"Nothing. Really Mina." I say trying to convince her but I know she isn't buying a single thing I say.

"Oh really. Then explain your constant smile in school eventhough you hate schoool. Explain your constant spacing and looking across teh classroom. And how your talking to bakugou more than me know. And how you always smile at him and he actually smiles back at you. And how he said you and him had plans today. And... oh... OH.... OH MY GOD!" I quickly slam my hand over her mouth before she can yell any louder and draw even more eyes to our once silent conversation.

"So are you gonna keep yelling or can I take my hand off of your mouth." She nodds and I remove my hand.

"Ura I'm so happy for you. I also have a ton of questions so I... ya." I smile relieved that soemone finally knows the secret was killing me.

"Okay, what are your questions?" I ask her.

"Why didn't you tell me? How long have you been together? Why do you like him? What happened to midoriya? Does anyone else know? Were you ever gonna tell me? Are you gonna tell anyone else?" She asked about 10 more questions but I tuned them out only waiting for her to stop talking.

"Okay wow you have a lot of questions. Maybe I should've just let you keep them to yourself." I joked.

"Ha ha very funny but seriously how long have you and Bakugou been an item?" She asked nudging me at the end.

"Like a month I guess." I blushed admitting how long I'd kept the secret from her.

"No way! Ok well since you two are obviously going on a date tonight can I help you get ready?" The fire in her eyes told me that even if I said no she wouldend up helping me anyway.

"Sure." I say as we near the dorms.

A/n So I hope you liked this fun little extra chapter. I decided that every time I reach a bench mark in reads I will write another part to this story until it's finished and they go on their date. Thanks for reading. >_<

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