09 party gone wrong 09

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It had been a long day. Between calming an alien village to keep them from sacrificing themselves to Allura the "Lion Goddess," downing Shiro's old enemy from the gladiator's ring, and spending several long hours on the training deck, Sage was perfectly exhausted.

She was finishing straightening her hair when Allura appeared in her doorway, a bundle of fabric in her arms. Sage let out a measured breath. Things were still tense between her and the princess from their previous fight.

"What?" Sage intoned, glancing at Allura through the bathroom mirror.

"Why are you pulling your hair?" the princess asked confusedly. Sage breathed out a laugh.

"I'm straightening it," she said with a small smile. "The two metal parts get really hot and when you run them through your hair, your hair becomes straight." Allura stepped closer.

"And your hair doesn't catch fire?"

"Nope. It can burn a little, though." Allura glanced at the floor.

"May... May I try?" Sage smiled at her.

"Sure. C'mon, I'll show you." Allura stepped into the bathroom tentatively, not making eye contact with Sage. The younger girl took a piece of Allura's white hair between her fingers and ran the straightener down the length of it. Allura fingered the straight lock of hair.

"Fascinating," she marveled. "Does it last forever?"

"I wish," Sage replied. "You have to redo it each time your hair gets wet."

"I wasn't aware that you hair was curled. Why don't you wear it just the way it is?"

"It's easier to brush and take care of this way {At least that's what my friend says. I love it when she brushes her hair and it gets all puffy!}. Anyway, why are you here?" Allura straightened

"Oh, yes. We're hosting a party today in the castle for the Arusians and I have a dress that I believe will fit you." Sage tensed.

"Why a dress? Can't I just wear my armor?"

"Well, I suppose you could, but-"

"Then I'll wear my armor." Allura sighed.

"At least see how it fits and make your decision from there."

"Fine, but you're wasting your time." Allura smiled, handing her the dress. Sage closed the bathroom door, leaving Allura in her room. True to her word, she tried the clothing on, glaring at her own reflection when it fit perfectly. It was black, high necked and flared, silver lace covering the skirt with a thin white belt.

Sage glared once more, took it off, and announced, "I'm wearing my armour."


"The monster fell from the sky!" the Arusian king said dramatically. "It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" Sage watched as the Arusians stacked on either side of the room engaged in pretend battle, not quite accurately, but their mistake was corrected.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for that... wonderful production," Allura said, addressing the small villagers. "It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe." She held out a communicator. "Your Highness... please accept this gift. This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help. Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance." The Arusians cheered joyfully as Hunk approached where Sage was standing with Keith and Lance.

"We ought to get something like that," he commented. Sage glanced up at him.

"Like what?"

"You know, like, a cheer. Like, a team cheer that we do." Lance grinned.

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