21 hidden base 21

33 1 18

This thing’s like,, eight?? pages??? in Microsoft word???? And it’s technically only half of the chapter. I’m ordering you to like this because this took forever.


{Jk, I know my writing is trash…}


3K words.




Lines of code dashed across the screen Pidge worked at. How the little gremlin could take in so much information so quickly, Sage had no idea. The coordinates found in Shiro’s arm proved to be quite real, however, everyone was still suspicious.


“Are we gonna risk it?” Lance asked, fiddling with the edges of his jacket.


“I say we should,” Shiro said. “The Blade of Marmora could very well be our strongest allies in this war.”


“And we’re going to find them using coordinates from a Galra that may or may not have been loyal to Zarkon?” Allura asked, sceptical. Sage bit her lip.


“What, do you need a second opinion?” she asked. “Pidge, scan my hand.” Pidge raised an eyebrow.


“What? Why?”


“Just trust me.”


Pidge fished out one of the many handheld scanners in the stash and ran it over the back of Sage’s left hand, eyes flicking over the readings as quickly as they came.


“Whoa, what in the world?” Pidge said suddenly. “There’s like, one of those micro-SD things in your hand.” The green paladin glanced up at Sage. “Where did it come from?”


Sage gave the team the quickest rundown possible – friendly Galra dude got her out, gave her a chip and a knife, the works. As soon as she mentioned that there could be information on it, Pidge was ready to get the thing out from under her skin.


A few minutes later, with the help of Altean technology, the chip was in Pidge’s computer and Sage sported a bright blue band-aid on the back of her hand. Once more, Pidge skimmed through the readings, bright eyes darting around the screen.


“This chip has the same coordinates,” Pidge confirmed.


“Awesome,” Lance shrugged. “Galra base, here we come, right?”

ALL MIXED UP | ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon