15 rescue 15

38 1 7

Look! I updated and it didn't take me two months!

Also, it's time for big sister Allura aww yeah

TW: panic (anxiety? Sorry, I can't figure out which one) attack, some depictions of injury

Sage woke up in a frigid, metal cell.

"Come with me," a voice rasped from above her, causing Sage to lift her head slightly and gaze at the figure above her. She didn't move from where was lying on the floor. "I said get up!" Haggar screamed, sending a shock through Sage's body. The young girl felt her throat tighten as searing pain coursed through her. She wasn't even able to scream.

Sage let out a pitiful whimper as she was dragged to her feet by a druid and shoved forward, the cold barrel of a gun pressed against her back.

She was lead through an intricate web of hallways, not remembering a single turn she made. The doors to what was obviously an important room were soon before her, looming dauntingly before her frightened self.

The doors opened to reveal none other than Zarkon himself, as well as a more familiar face.

Sage gasped sharply when she saw Allura in the throne room with her.

"Allura!" she yelled, causing the princess's gaze to snap toward her. The Alteans's eyes went wide.

"Sage!" she called, trying to wrench out of a guard's grasp.

Sage felt anxiety set in. She didn't care much when she'd been captured - she wasn't even a paladin; the team could go on without her. But knowing that Allura had been dragged along with her to that godforsaken place frightened her beyond words. The team wouldn't survive without the princess.

"I see we've captured the paladins' pet," Zarkon spat. Sage's fear was instantly replaced by rage and she launched herself forward at the Emperor, screaming expletives and curses until the sentry behind her began to fire his rifle, searing Sage's cheek painfully.

"Voltron is going to put an end to your empire!" Allura screamed as she was shoved toward the ground.

"No, it will only make me more powerful," Zarkon replied. "King Alfor knew that as well as I. That's why he led me to believe he destroyed it all those years ago. But now, your new paladins will come for you, and they will deliver Voltron to me, and, with it, the key to unimaginable power."

"No," Sage shot back, deciding that the least she could do was to remain strong. She donned her usual tough facade, laughing in the face of danger. "They won't come for me. I'm not that important. Heck, they don't even tell me their battle plans." She smirked. "You kidnapped the wrong girl."

Just as Sage had predicted, Zarkon scowled, displeased at her words.

"Nevertheless, you will be useful to us. Haggar, I believe the Invictus experiment is ready to be put into motion."

Sage sucked in a sharp breath at the mention of an experiment. Her eyes met Allura's, whose expression held panic.

"Take them to the cells while you prepare," Zarkon ordered. The two girls were hauled to their feet once more, Galran soldiers dragging them forward.

Unsurprisingly, they were shoved into the cell, hitting the metal painfully as the door was slammed behind them. Sage immediately backed into the furthest corner, fingers tangling into her hair and pulling hard. Her breathing became ragged, unsteady.

She was dimly aware of Allura trying to move her hands, begging her to calm down, to match her breathing.

All Sage could think of was the experiment. Shiro had gotten his arm torn off in Haggar's lab. What would they do to her?

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