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4178 words!!
Hey, I’m really sorry that this update took a while. There is a chance that I will not be able to update for a few months because I am at home now. If I disappear, I will be getting out a huge update in August.
The ending isn’t great, sorry. I’m tired.
Also I kinda sorta have a headcanon that Altean markings glow in the dark. You’ll see later.

Being a part of team Voltron was stupid, Sage decided. The day had started well enough. She’d woken up with Shiro, the two has headed to breakfast and it seemed like the day would be peaceful and filled with training and combat practice rather than true battle.

Alas, Lance had to ruin everything with his “squishy asteroid fight.”

Sage wasn’t exactly complaining though. The Olkari had given her one of their little cubes, which sometimes seemed to have a mind and personality of its own, and she met a rather pretty Olkari girl named Zarrin who’d flirted with her on multiple occasions.

{Sage would have the reader know that she did not blush whatsoever. And she certainly did not go about as red as Keith’s armour when Zarrin handed her a metallic flower as a parting gift.}

Anyway, though their visit to Olkarion has been interesting, it was also battle, and the crew was tired. The last thing they needed was for the empire to somehow follow them from Olkarion.

But of course, the last thing they needed was the first thing they got.

"Zarkon!” Allura cried when the alarms went off. “How did he find us?"

"His commanders must have radioed him from Olkarion," Keith said. Shiro immediately took charge of the situation.

"We need to wormhole, now!” He ordered. “Everyone to your stations. We've got to put some distance between us and Zarkon. This could be the fight of our lives." Keith glanced through the window once seated.

"That's sure a lot of fighters," he muttered.

"Allura, can you evade these fighters?” Shiro asked. “We can't have them following us through the wormhole."

"I can try," she offered.

"Keith, Lance, let's lay down some covering fire," Shiro continued. The two pulled up defence drones, blasting Galran ships. Sage pulled up a settings screen and moved over next to Hunk, monitoring power levels. The two worked at their screens while Keith and Lance bickered, Pidge trying to keep them on task.

“Hunk, how are the defences holding?" Shiro asked.

"I don't know. Ten per cent?” Hunk guessed. “Fifteen maybe? Everything's a blur. I've been up too long. I have tired eyes!" Sage glanced at his screen.

“We’re at twelve right now, could go down soon.”

"Good work, you two,” Shiro nodded. Then, to the whole team, he added, “I know we just came off an intense battle, but we've got to stay focused, just until we jump."

"And when is that?” Coran panicked. “They're still too close! We need to gain more speed!"

"I've got an idea!” Allura announced. “Hold on!"

"Allura, what are you doing?" Pidge asked.

“I think she’s using that moon’s gravity to gain speed and put some distance between us and Zarkon," Sage realised.


"We're clear to wormhole!" Coran announced amid the chaos. Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief as the familiar blue of the wormhole whisked them away.

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