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    Like every usual morning, I still woke up in the same exact body as the night before. I groaned, getting up out of bed, turning my phone's alarm off as I got up. I frowned, remembering that I couldn't use the bandages to make my chest smaller anymore. Two sports bras and a tank top under a hoodie it is.
    "Phoebe! If you want a ride to school, you have ten minutes to be ready." My father's voice rang from the other side of my door. I responded with a simple 'okay' and began to get dressed for school. I had no time for a shower, but it was okay; I would take one in the night when I get home from Toby's. I pulled off the hoodie I wore to bed, avoiding looking at my body as I pulled over a sports bra and then another one over that. It felt tight against me, but thankfully, it did not irritate my bruises. I put on a tank top and then grabbed one of my other hoodies, pulling it over to put it on. Then, I put my socks and shoes on and grabbed my backpack. I left my room, running to the bathroom.
    I used the toilet and then washed my hands before brushing my teeth. As I brushed my teeth, I looked in the mirror, wondering how I would look as a real boy. If I were born a boy, would I still have had the freckles that were spread across my face? Would I still have black hair like my father or would I have inherited my mother's brown hair?
    "Phoebe, last warning." My father knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm leaving in a minute."
    "Hold up, I'm brushing my hair!" I called back, spitting out the toothpaste in my mouth afterwards and rinsing my mouth out. I pulled my hair out of my ponytail and grabbed my hairbrush, brushing out my hair before putting it back up in a ponytail. I put some deodorant on real quick and then I put everything away and rushed out of the bathroom. I grabbed my backpack from the couch in the living room. "I'm done, dad."
    My father said goodbye to my mom and grabbed his keys. I said goodbye to her also and followed my father out of the house to his car. I got into the front passenger seat as he got into the driver's seat and started the car. We drove in silence to my school, which was a usual occurrence when we were alone in the car together. Once we got to my school, he dropped me off on the side of the school to avoid the traffic in front of the school, and then I had to walk to the front.
    I walked into the school, heading to my first period class even though there was still half an hour until school started. I liked hanging out in my first period before school because my teacher, Mrs. Redding, was my favorite teacher. I had first period with Toby also, he actually sat next to me, too; but, he had a tendency of arriving to school just as the bell was ringing. I always teased him about it.
    I pulled out the book Mrs. Redding had assigned the class, The Alchemist, and began reading. Mrs. Redding had assigned us pages forty to eighty for the week and I still had ten pages to go. Since it was Friday, Mrs. Redding wanted us to have them all read by the first twenty minutes of class so we could go over the pages and answer questions about it. Then she would assign us the next pages for next week, most likely pages eighty to one-hundred twenty, and we would get whatever time left in class to start reading. Usually, instead of reading the end of class, Toby and I would quietly whisper and joke around. Mrs. Redding didn't care much, as long as we had our reading done on time and we weren't too loud. Sometimes, we also conversed and joked around with a few classmates that sat near us. Typically it was this girl named Abigail and this boy named Danny, who were actually a couple. They were both pretty cool, always having extremely funny jokes and stories to tell.
    As I read, I sensed Abigail and Danny sitting down in their usual desks, right in front of mine and Toby's empty desk. I looked up from my book to give them a smile, gasping as I noticed Abigail's hair.
    "Woah, Abigail! You dyed your hair?" I asked, shocked at the dramatic change she made to her once-blonde hair. It was now dyed various colors, making a rainbow effect to the hair - it was very colorful.
    "Yeah!" She smiled, playing with her hair a bit to show it off more. "My mom let me dye it for this event I'm going to for SAGA, since she didn't let me dye it for Pride Month and I kept begging."
    "SAGA?" I questioned, confused. I set my book down, saving my place with my bookmark. I could finish the last four pages when class started; but, for now, I was interested in conversing with Abigail and Danny.
    "Yeah, the club: Sexuality And Gender Acceptance. We meet at lunch on Fridays." Abigail responded with a smile. "It's a really cool club, we hang out at lunch and listen to music and discuss different things. We also go to some cool events like several different Pride Festivals for Pride Month, a Pride Prom, and we sometimes visit other schools for movie nights. You should come and check it out sometime."
    "Wait," I paused, unsure if it was appropriate for me to continue. I decided there wasn't much harm in asking. "You're not straight?"
    "Oh," Abigail laughed. "No, I'm actually bisexual. But, you can be straight to join SAGA, you don't have to be in the LGBTQIA+ community, you can just be an ally."
    "Ally?" I asked again.
    "Yeah, like you support us and you have our backs." She answered. "Danny is an ally, he really supports me and the others. I'm super thankful to him, because when I came out, my ex dumped me because he thought I would cheat on him with a girl. But Danny knows I'm loyal to him and that the whole 'bisexuals cheat and date both sexes at the same time' is a bunch of bullshit."
    "Yeah, I trust you, babe, and I know you'd never cheat on me," Danny smiled at her, kissing her head. She blushed and gave him a quick peck on his lips before looking back at me.
    "No, but seriously Phoebe, you should come sometime." She said, still smiling. "I'm not going to ask you if you're straight or anything like that, it's none of my business, but no matter what you are - who you like or what you identify as - you should come. You can meet so many amazing and wonderful people and make some amazing memories!"
    "I," I paused, thinking. "I'll think about it, okay?"
    "That's understandable," Abigail nodded. As she said that, the bell rang, announcing that there was five minutes until school officially started. Abigail began to talk to Danny about something, leaving me out, but I didn't care. I went back to reading, hoping to read the last pages before the bell rang so I could have twenty minutes of free time. Maybe I'll start reading the next pages for next week, or if Toby actually finished reading, I'll converse with him. I didn't know, there wasn't much else to do. I mean, maybe I could use that time to search up new ways to make my chest flatter that aren't dangerous? But, at the same time, that was something to do in private, where I don't risk getting spied on.
    The bell finally rang and right before it finished, Toby rushed in, sliding into the seat beside me.
    "Finally," I teased him like usual. "Did you lose track of time while you were doing your hair?" I raised my eyebrows at him. He playfully glared at me then rolled his eyes.
    "Not everyone has such as simple hair routine like you do, Phoebe." He carefully ran his fingers through his hair. "It takes patience and gell to make my hair look this good."
    "Well, I wouldn't say it looks good." I joked. He playfully gasped and slapped his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended.
    "Like you can talk, Miss Ponytail!" He exclaimed, resulting in Mrs. Redding giving us a warning look. "Sorry, Mrs. Redding."
    "Class, you know the drill. Twenty minutes to finish reading and then we begin discussing." She announced to the class before going back to her computer to grade papers or something.
    "Did you finish reading?" I asked Toby.
    "Nope, you?" He asked. I nodded and he rolled his eyes. "Like usual, shouldn't have bothered asking you. Well, I have to read the last ten pages and then I'm good to go." He took out his book and looked at me for a moment before beginning to read. I shrugged my shoulders and looked away, deciding I would start reading the pages for the next week.

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