~Chapter 2~

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As Todoroki rummaged the cabinets he grabbed the tea pot. He went to the bathroom unnoticed putting inside hot water. He stood there isolated, with a shocked look on his face getting flashbacks. As a figure crept into the room he heard a voice " tOdoRoki-kUn are you okay?" It was Midoriya ~u~. " Yes.. I'm fine Midoriya thank you." todoroki said with a few cracks in his voice. "Why do you have a teapot- oh." "Today is my day after Bak-" Todoroki cut himself off not realizing what he almost said. He didn't want drama to start because inside Todoroki hated the attention and when he was alone he'd cry. "I should get going.." Todoroki started to sprint to the kitchen. As he put the water on the stove turning it up he got the flashbacks again.

The boiling water stopped. He stared at it and it felt like it was just him and the teapot. Todoroki poured the boiling water into a cup and put the tea packet in it. He stared at the teapot muttering to himself 'im not scared of you'

-like 10 minutes later-
Todoroki's POV
* Drinks Tea. * That teapot is so... I don't know but the teapot did something which made me... happier..? No. Happiness isn't a thing but.. when I look at the teapot I think of Midoriya.. Somehow but.. I think.. I'm in love..

Todoroki x Tea pot with boiling waterWhere stories live. Discover now