~Chapter 4~

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"Hi."I say happily without the expression showing on my face. I could tell that Bakugou and Kirishima were having a nice conversation since Bakugou was blushing a little. He used to blush when I talked to him but now he's like "wHat tHe fUCk icY-hOT?" "Yo, Candy Cane, what are you staring at.. and what's with the fucking teapot?" Bakugou says without yelling that loudly. "This is my boyfriend." I say staring into Bakugou's soul. (He has one, shockingly.) "Are you on crack." He says back to me. "Bakubro, Todoroki would never do that!" Kirishima says as he smiles and laughs "Tch, sure." I shake my head at Bakugou and Kirishima and head off to my seat.

-Time skip UwU-

Finally the bell run after the class. As I packed up my stuff my desk got surrounded by people. W"hat's with the teapot?" "Why do you have a teapot?" "Are you alright, Todoroki?" SO many questions- "Shoto. Why do you have a teapot?" Mr.Aizawa interrupted. The classroom got quiet got a while until I decided to speak. "It's my boyfriend, how come?" "oh, alright." He suddenly  just fell asleep not giving a crap. "Todoroki... is it really your boyf-" "yes." I interrupted Uraraka before she could finish her sentence. "Are you gay Todoroki?" Momo said "I think." I pushed my chair in and started walking away. I could feel the stares. It was starting to get awkward after a while.

-Anoda time skip ùwú-

Finally, lunch. I was starving after being in class and getting so many questions. It started to piss me off kinda. I tried to not think of End*avor as I cleared my mind since, thinking of him makes me always better. I headed to the table I always sit at with the supposedly 'DekuSquad.' I sat down next to Asui and pulled out my bento. "So..Whats your boyfriends name Todoroki.." Uraraka said to stop the awkward silence. "I don't know." I say. I grab some rice from my bento box and give it to my boyfriend.  I never thought of a name for him but I'm not sure of wha- *le gasp* "his names Midoriya." (wHEeZE) I say. Midoriya started to choke on his food as Ida tried to do his bOi hand signals to help. Uraraka started to laugh which I didn't understand why. "Todoroki, Do you like Midoriya? -confuses kero-" Asui says. She's the only calm person at this table. "no, im in a relationship with Midoriya. I can't like Midoriya if I'm in a relationship with someone else. That's not okay." I look over at Midoriya to see him blushing pretty clearly. "Todoroki-Kun...what the actual fuck." I've never heard such an innocent cinnamon roll say a curse word before.. he might have Bakugou fleas..! "what?" I start munching on my sushi. "Todoroki. It's very respectful that you know how to respect you significant other but, I think what Midoriya means to say is that he is confused and wants to know why you chose the name Midoriya for the teapot." Ida says doing his boi hands.

I stare at the teapot to see the beautiful cinnamon rolls face which makes me blush.
"I picked the name Midoriya because..-

Todoroki x Tea pot with boiling waterWhere stories live. Discover now