Chapter two: Hell's a Nasty place

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When Lucifer woke up on the grass next to two other people, he decided to mess with them just for the fun of it.  It's not like Lucifer had anything better to do, he barely knew who he was himself. He just knew that if they were asleep, they deserved whatever they got for it. He dragged one of them up into a tree, and left the woman where she lay. Then, he started roaming the backyard they found themselves in. With a smirk, he came across a fence that was between him and a pond that was just begging to be swum in. So, Lucifer jumped the fence and headed into the water. It wasn't until the water was up to his waist did he realize he forgot to take his clothes off, so there he stood, in the shallow part of the lake with shoes, pants, and a ripped shirt. He wondered how such a thing had slipped his mind. Lucifer shrugged and smirked. He brushed a hand through his long hair and sighed, but as he was about to head out of the pond to get undressed for the swim, something grabbed at his ankle and dragged him deeper into the pond. Granted, his clothes had already gotten wet, but he was shocked to have been dragged.

Lucifer was taken by surprise and on instinct opened his mouth to scream for help, instead only getting water in place of air as he was being dragged down by an unknown hand. He was taken down and down, dragged by someone gripping his ankle with a death grip. He felt as if he were endlessly falling, until it felt as if he could not keep his breath any longer. He opened his mouth and the water rushed in. Soon, he blacked out, still being dragged down through the water.

"If you move, you're dead."

Lucifer opened his eyes cautiously and saw that he was in a cave. He could hear water drips from the ceiling, and there was a hooded figure to his right. He smirked and shifted so that he could get a better look at the person. Immediately the hooded figure slams his head into the rock floor.

"Did I say you could move asshole?" The voice growled. Lucifer winced and licked his lips as he felt the pressure being removed from his head.

"Who are you?" He croaked.

"I think the better question is where are you." The hooded figure sighed, walking over to a chair and sitting down. "But fine, I'll answer that too I suppose." The figure took off their cloak to reveal a woman, no more than thirty with long, black hair that curled around her waist. She gave Lucifer a frown. "You're going to have to prove yourself if you want to live." She warned. "It might be easier to just stay put and die here."

"What happens if I stay put?" Lucifer asked, winking. The woman grinned back, showing her teeth.
"Then I will be forced to severe your head from your limbs and feed you to my cat, Munchins." She replied with a gleam in her eyes. Lucifer rolled his neck.
"Okay, why am I here?" Lucifer asked after a moment of thinking. "And hey, you never gave me a name."

"A name is irrelevant." The woman with the long black hair responded. Her cold demeanor just made Lucifer more determined to crack it. "As for the questions, you really are stupid since you're asking the wrong questions."

"Thanks for calling me stupid, sweatheart." Lucifer drawled, winking.
"Call me that again and I will rip that pretty tongue from your mouth." The woman with the long black hair hissed, slamming a foot into Lucifer's chest, sending him flying backwards and watching him slump to the cave ground.

"You are Lucifer. You are here to prove yourself worthy of being in the world. You are here because one day you're going to need to protect someone you will come to care about dearly, and you need to be prepared for when you fail." The woman explained when she was sure she had Lucifers' attention.

"Gee, thanks lady." He grumbled, rubbing his head. "Does the whole moving thing still apply?" He asked, freezing in his place.

"No." The woman answered. "But you're asking the wrong questions."

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