Chapter six: It's probably just in my blood

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Three woke up to the rain pouring down. He groaned and rolled over, seeing the others standing and looking down at the town below. He mentally wrapped his thoughts and emotions into a ball and placed it in the bottom of his left foot. He was the warrior. The protector. He had to protect his emotions, though why he decided to hide them in his foot was beyond him. He just knew that there was a story once of a greek hero whose only weakness was a spot on his heel. Lillian was the child that needed to be protected. He knew this. Lucifer, however, didn't make sense to him. He was almost an avenger, but Three thought he was missing that anger. He pondered whether or not Lucifer could be a perpetrator, but he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he should worry about protecting Lillian and Kai.

"Do you think you'll remember where if we just went down?" Lillian asked Kai softly. He looked at her through the wet rain.

"There's only one way to find out." He smiled.
"What if we split up?" Lillian asked, her voice lowered. "Some of us might pick a fight."
"If you're talking about me, you're right." Lucifer said, walking over to the two. Three got up and joined them. "However, I don't want to be in the rain this entire time, so Three and I can just hang out at one of the inns restaurants."
"Thank you Lucifer for suggesting that I would pick a fight." Three said dryly. Lucifer shrugged and smirked.
"What can I say? I'd get lonely," Kyle rolled his eyes and looked to Kai.

"If you think that's the best course of action, that's what we'll do." He said, smiling softly at the look Three gave him.
"Why do you leave the choice up to him?" Lillian asked. "Not that I'm complaining, but we should all have a voice!" Three looked at her, and his expression softened.

"You're right Lillypad. I'll keep your suggestion in mind." He said. Lillian frowned.
"My name isn't-" She stopped speaking as Kyle uncharacteristically reached out and messed with her pink hair. She grinned and reached up to mess with his red hair, but couldn't reach and patted Lucifer's white hair instead. Kai watched her with an amused look on his face.
"That was adorable." He said, chuckling. Lillian blushed and looked down at the town.
"That's not the only thing adorable here," Lucifer drawled, sauntering close to whisper in Kai's ear. Three couldn't hear what was said, but he did see Kai blush. He shook his head and looked to where Lillian was looking.

"So we're going to go down there or just watch getting soaked?" Lillian asked cautiously.
"Nah, we should go." Kai said,
"Let's jog down." Three suggested.
"Why?" Lucifer asked. "That's a stupid suggestion."

"Don't be mean Luci," Lillian said, clicking her tongue and shrugging. 

Three just took off down the hardest path, and Lucifer ran after him laughing. Kai exchanged looks with Lillian and they joined them, running into town as the rain poured down on them. Their clothes would be soaked, as would their hair, but the bond that was slowly forming between them strengthened. The sun would peak it's way through the stormy clouds, and thunder was nowhere to be heard. The Three threats and Kai were getting closer to finding the compsognathus named Ellen.

Lucifer noticed when Three slowed down right outside the town, because up until that point he was unable to overtake him. Lillian and Kai were behind them, and Lucifer turned and walked back to Three, panting.
"What's up? Why did we stop?" He asked. Three looked around.
"I had a feeling we won't be here for much longer." He said, inspecting a blade of grass. "I wanted to remember the simple parts of life before it all went to hell." Lucifer laughed bitterly.
"Great choice words buddy." He winced, remembering the wound in his leg.

"I know what you mean," Lillian said, slowing down where they were. She was hardly out of breath and Lucifer was panting like a dog. She sat down and picked a flower.
"Guys, we don't have time for this." Lucifer said, rolling his eyes. "But since you stopped, I won the race." 

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