Heaven isn't so bad, is it?

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Lillian shifted her head to the side as the grass by her nose danced with the wind. She slowly blinked and sat up to find she was in a grassy clearing. Looking around, she couldn't see anyone else in sight so she decided to sit there for a bit. She reached her hand out towards a small bug hidden in the grass, and smiled softly as it crawled onto her palm.

"Aren't you a cutie pie?" She murmured softly. She raised her hand to get a closer look at the animal when a bird swooped by and snatched him up.

Lillian stood up without thinking, and started to run after the bird. She didn't know if she could or should save the little guy from the bright blue bird, but she was determined to try. After all, the bird wouldn't have spotted the poor guy if she hadn't taken him out of the grass.

Lillains feet cried out in pain as the soft grass was replaced with hard rocks, and she noticed she was only wearing a thin layer of pink socks, with a golden dress. She sighed softly to herself, and kept going. She found it unusual that the bird was flying so low to the ground, yet still out of her reach. Then she realized that the bird was flying in a pattern. In and out of the trees, the blue bird would weave in a circle. When she realized this, her feet slowed to a stop as she looked for the nearest tree to climb.

Lillian climbed the tree to the top, and saw the blue bird and the bug fly past. Quickly, she jumped from tree to tree after the blue bird until she was at the last tree in the forest and she was panting. The green forest had come to an end at the end of a cliff, and she knew it would be stupid for her to try to jump after the bird for the small bug. However, as she was about to get down from the tree to try and find her way back to where she started out, the bird squeaked in protest as its' wing snapped suddenly and now both the poor creatures were falling, unable to escape.
"I really am stupid aren't I?" Lillian chuckled quietly to herself as she readied her position. Timing it just right was the key, too slow and she would die for no reason. If she could make it so that she caught the bird, then she could spin and throw the bird and the bug back onto the forest ground. She accepted her death, and wished the world a happy goodbye, and smiled softly. Lillian jumped out of the tree after the bird and the bug.

She had to hold back a scream because it turned out to be much more terrifying than she had thought but a little squeak managed to escape. She grabbed onto the bird who was holding the bug.

"Don't you dare eat this poor fella, got it?" She told the bird as she twisted her body in the air. She knew the bird couldn't possibly understand her, but as she threw the bird and the bug to safety, she couldn't help but hope that only one death would occur. Only hers.

Lillian fell. Down the cliff it seemed like an endless adventure, and at a certain point Lillian began to feel as if she were dreaming. This feeling was confirmed when a large, blue bird flew down and caught her in its's claws. Lillian smiled softly as the bird looked down at her as if concerned, and thought about how funny it was that the bird looked as if it had emotions and could express them like a human. Lillian realized that the bird had started to fly up, and she began to worry. If this wasn't a dream, would she suffocate when the air became too thin? She was about to move when the bird suddenly shot upwards, and she passed out.

Lillian opened her eyes to find she was in a white room. She rolled to her side and winced.

"I'm really sorry about that, It was not intended but unavoidable." A man with red hair said from a seat across the room. Lillian looked over at him and watched as he uncrossed his legs and walked over to her.
"Who are you?" She asked, her voice cracking. The man with the red hair smiled softly.
"I am an Angel." He said, with a smirk. "And I am here to help you recover and get stronger."

"Stronger for what?" Lillian asked, "Where am I?" The man with the red hair chuckled.

"Woah there, take it easy." He said, "Lets take things one step at a time." He walked over to a desk and shuffled around some papers before taking one out and grabbing a pen. He then took his chair and moved it by Lillian's bed.
"How do you feel?" He asked, adjusting his glasses.
"I felt fine," Lillian said, "Except for when I rolled over, what's wrong with me?" She asked.
"Don't worry, it's just from the gate. Your bones will heal soon." The man with the red hair said.

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