Chapter eight: Whoops

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Variel stalked the person talking to someone else. The first one had bright red hair, and green eyes. The other had pink hair and mean eyes that were constantly shifting. They were discussing something, and Variel would have waited to see what, had the voices stayed quiet. As it were, Everything went fuzzy and he felt as if he were in a daze.
"My turn bitches." Lucifer's voice growled through Variel's mouth.

Maybe you should stay calm? Lillian suggested.

It's no use. He's not himself right now. Three replied.

Variel snarled as he palmed his tiger claws. Launching himself from the trees, he slashed open the first guy's neck before the second person had a chance to react.
"Stop! Who are you?" The second voice yelled. Variel wickedly grinned.
"Death." He growled. The second guy didn't stand a chance. He was bleeding on the ground in two blows.

Variel licked his blades clean, his eyes looking around him. Something was calling him to a cave. A cave, that's insane. He was in a forest, there's no way there were any caves. He slid through the forest. Variel marked out a used passageway that guards often used to travel. Then he waited.

Person after person, party after party, Variel would kill anyone who used the road. Soon, there were bodies littering the pathway, and people stopped using it. He knew that they had to go through the forest somewhere, so he walked to where there happened to be a new fork in the road. Walking down the new pathway, Variel lay in wait.

He made a rule then, since he realized that not only guards were using the path now. Children and women were being escorted by men who didn't look in the least bit like a guard. If there were children part of the group, Variel spared their life. He was numb inside, but he knew that if he killed a child the voices would never shut up about it.

Variel jumped down one day, drawing a dagger. He was met with Paige's father. The look of recognition crossed his face, and then fear. Mixed in with the fear, Variel could smell realization. As if he knew that Variel was the one killing all these people.
"Where's your jacket?" Paige's father snapped.
"Wouldn't want to get it dirty." Variel growled. "How's paige?" The man paled.

"How did you-" Variel wrapped his fist around the man's throat and threw him against a tree.
"What did you do?" Variel snarled.
"I-I took her money and kicked her out."

"Let me ask you something." Variel whispered. "Do you like having a tongue?" He asked, his voice a deadly blade.
"Then I suggest you treat her right." Variel said. He used his left hand and flipped it in his hand. "Which hand are you dominate in?"
"Please, no." The man begged. "I need my hands!"
"Which.Hand." Variel hissed. "Or do they both need to go?"
"My left!" The man cried. "I'm left handed." Variel grinned and cut off the man's right hand. He gasped, and screamed.
"I was only going to take one finger," Variel said slowly, letting go of the man. "But I just can't stand liars."

"I wasn't lying!" The man yelled.
"Yes, yes you were." Variel growled. "I saw you work before I approached you, and you were using your right hand." He spit on the man and sauntered away. "I despise liars." He growled.

Variel began to roam the forest. He cut down anyone he came across, and he wore his jacket proudly. He kept it clean, despite how much death he brought upon the world. When the moon shone brightly in the sky, and would wander restlessly. It didn't occur to him that he didn't eat in over two days, nor did he drink anything. It didn't occur to him that the voices were still raging in his mind.

Variel found a cave.

He didn't know why on earth there was a cave in the middle of a forest, but he supposed that if there hadn't been, then the bears would have frozen to death. The thought didn't really bother him one way or another. He stood in the entrance of the cave for a moment, just staring inside.

Kai opened his eyes and froze. There was someone at the entrance of the cave he was in, and he wasn't sure if they were there to kill or help him. He gently fell out of bed and groaned. He grabbed a dagger and stuck to the walls as he inched his way closer.

Kai saw Variel standing there, and watched him fall to his knees. He ran to his side when Variel's eyes rolled up in his head and his head knocked against the stone floor. The shock of seeing him didn't wear off, but he decided to deal with that later. How lucky was he that Variel showed up? Kai put Variel on his bed, but Variel was too tall. It was like he was six foot, he cursed silently to himself. He put some blankets down on the floor, and set Variel down there. While he was sleeping, Kai didn't fear him at all. But he did notice the differences between his friends and the boy in front of him.

Variel had black glasses and blue hair. None of the other fragments had needed glasses. He looked to be about six foot three, and so Kai could assume that came from their heights. He had pointy ears, and strange markings on his arms, underneath the jacket he wore that looked as if a child had made it. Kai wondered what he had been up to, since he was pretty sure the jacket was new. When he saw the blood on the shoes, his heart stopped. What had he done?

Variel opened his eyes and winced. His mouth was dry and his stomach rumbled, but he wasn't strong enough to sit up. He saw someone sit at a table nearby, their attention on something in front of them, with their back turned to Variel. Stupid mistake. He was on his feet, reaching for a dagger that wasn't there. He found that he was dressed in black jeans and a blue collared shirt. What the hell? He shook his head and stalked the person. He held a knife to the back of their throat and felt them stiffen.
"Good morning." They said carefully.

"Where is my shit?" Variel growled.
"I placed it somewhere." The teenager responded.
"Where." Variel didn't phrase it as a question.
"I kind of like being alive," The teenager said, turning around. "So I think I'll keep it a secret." Variel stared at him.

He had short brown hair, with hazel eyes that were filled with curiosity. He was wearing a red shirt and he had been stirring a cup of tea on the table. Why did this person look so familiar? Variel wondered. He took a step back, the knife clattering to the floor as a look of confusion wiped his face clean. For once, the voices weren't screaming suggestions in his head. His knees went weak and he swayed on his feet. 
"Who are you?" The teenager asked softly.

"Don't you know me?" He asked. "I'm Kai."

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