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Ok this one shot was so fun to write. If you like the story and you'd like a full version of this storyline LET ME KNOW I would love to write it. 


Kellin's POV:

I tapped my pencil against the desk nervously, a slight frown playing on my lips from concentration. I was nervous. Finals were coming up and I tend to sike myself out over them. Every semester since my first year at college I would basically live in the library the entirety of finals week. 

I had a feeling this year was going to be even worse. Due to my inability to say no, I agreed to tutor a kid in my Philosophy class. I was close with my professor and I enjoyed his class. Not to mention the teachers pet tendencies I've had since preschool. How could I say no?

In all honesty, I knew nothing about the kid I was supposed to be tutoring. All I knew was his name was Vic and he was a junior too. I didn't know why I was nervous about meeting him. It wasn't that big of a deal. I sighed and shook my head, trying to return my focus to my work. I had a lot of reading to do and even less time than I originally planned. 

I soon found myself immersed in my book. The endless sea of open ended philosophical thought blocking out the rest of the room. That is, until someone cleared their throat. I snapped my head up, my gaze meeting with the boy looking down at me. 

"Kellin?" He asked, smiling lightly. I nodded, quickly closing my book and putting it down. "Yeah. Hi." I stammered as I stood up, returning a smile as I shook his hand. "You must be Vic." I said as I sat back down, watching as he sat in the seat across from me. "That I am." He smiled again, his warmth quickly making me more comfortable. "And you're the kid who sits in the front of the lecture hall and raises his hand for every question." 

I felt my cheeks heat up. He wasn't saying it in a mean way, more of an observation. "Well I guess-- but-- not every question." I stammered, not making eye contact, opting instead to organize the books in front of me. Something about his eyes made it hard for me to look at him. "Its not a bad thing, I'm just glad to know I'm in good hands. You seem to know your stuff" He chuckled, lazily opening his bag and taking out a notebook and paper. 

"Yeah I guess so." I muttered, mimicking him and taking out my philosophy book and notebook. "I figured we could just go over the things you need help in today and then meet again on Saturday." I explained, earning a nod in response. 

"Ok for the final we need to know the general ideas of Plato, John Locke, Epictetus and John Stewart Mill. Which philosophers do you need to focus on the most?" I asked, picking up my pen and making myself looking up at him, attempting to maintain eye contact. His eyes pierced into mine in a way that made my whole body warm up a bit. Not that he was trying, if anything, he was completely relaxed. 

He seemed like the kind of person who would be able to make themselves comfortable anywhere. He had his legs resting on the empty chair next to him and his arms crossed against his chest as he scanned his notes. I wish I could make everything look so easy like that. I'm just constantly on edge. "You see. The thing is, Kellin. I kind of need help with all of it." He said sheepishly. 

"Oh." Was all I could say as I wrote a little note next to the list of philosophers. More than anything, I just couldn't understand how he was so relaxed about being so unprepared. "I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then." He smiled again, his eyes squinting a little. 

I felt a blush across my cheeks at his words. "I guess so." I replied, watching as he put his stuff back into his bag and stood up. "I'll see you on Saturday then. Same time same place?" I just nodded, earning another smile before he walked away without another word. 

Kellic Oneshots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now