The Bartender

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Kellin's POV:

I smoothed out my button up shirt and adjusted my tie before I walked in to my new job. Today was day one of training. I was going to be a bartender. Lucky for me, my friend Jenna was a manager at Jordan's, a local bar in town, and she hooked me up with the job. I really needed it. 

I walked in cautiously, scanning the room for my friend. When I couldn't find her I sighed and walked over to the bar, the person behind the bar working had their back to me. I won't lie, I checked him out a bit. 

His tight button up shirt fit his toned arms beautifully. The way the sleeves were rolled up would make anyone drool. His wavy brown hair barely met his shoulders, swaying back and forth as he mixed a drink in a shaker. 

I watched as he took down a martini glass, putting it on the bar and pouring it in front of me. I got a good look at his face. His brown eyes and tan skin were complimented so well by his silver nose ring. God he was beautiful. 

"Need something?" He asked simply, not even looking up at me. I snapped myself out of my daydream, trying to think of how to explain myself. "Oh... no. I'm Kellin. I'm here to train." I explained, a slight nervousness to my voice. 

The mystery man finally looked up, eyeing me up and down. He smirked, sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Ah Kellin. The one Jenna always gushes about. Makes sense, you're a sight for sore eyes." He said casually, completely catching me off guard. "I'm Vic." I blushed, reaching out to shake his hand. "Yeah, that would be me." I responded sheepishly. I had never been good at accepting compliments. "And nice to meet you, Vic... Speaking of Jenna, where is she?" I asked, watching as he placed the martini next to the waitress station so it could be brought to a table. 

"Probably in the back doing some prep work. Why don't you hop back here and I'll teach you a thing or two before it gets too busy and I have to get to work." Vic said simply, wiping down the bar as he spoke. That smirk was still resting on his lips, refusing to allow the blush on my cheeks to die down. "Oh. Ok." I said quickly, slightly caught off guard at how fast I was being thrown into the job. 

Being behind the bar was sort of strange. Everything looked different from back there. A few of the waitresses ran around, setting the tables and taking a few orders here and there. No one was sitting at the bar because it was still pretty early in the afternoon. The bar crowd usually comes in around four, well, according to Vic. 

Speaking of Vic, he was a wizard with alcohol. He made it look so easy. He walked me through a few of the classic drinks and some of the bar's specialties. "This one is my personal favorite." He smiled, looking up at me from his work. His demeanor was mesmerizing, so smooth and calm.  

The way his hands worked had me glued to his movements. His strong hands worked so delicately as he poured, making sure to use the perfect amount of each ingredient. Bourbon, lemon juice, sugar. "Whiskey sour." I muttered to myself, fighting to pay attention to the process rather than how good his arms looked in that tight shirt. Do not get me started on his arms.

"You know your stuff." He smiled again, his eyes meeting mine only for a second. "Definitely not enough to get by." I laughed nervously. He chuckled lightly, sliding the glass towards me. "The only way you'll learn is by practicing. Try it." 

I picked up the cool glass, bringing it to my lips. I took a small sip, the lemon and sugar masking the burn of the alcohol perfectly. He was good. I had tried plenty of times at home to make something similar, but it never turned out that perfect. 

"That's really freaking good." I said, taking one more sip before putting the glass back down on the bar. "Glad you think so." Vic grinned, picking up the glass and taking a sip. His eyes meet mine from above the rim of the cup. God, he oozed confidence. I felt the heat on my cheeks again and had to look away for a second. He really knew how to get to me, I bet he makes a ton of tips with that look. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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