Tutoring pt.2

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*obviously read "tutoring" before "tutoring pt.2" ok.. carry on...


Kellin's POV:

I reorganized my desk for the second time, huffing in annoyance. It still didn't seem right. Vic would be here in a few minutes for tutoring and I wanted my room to look ok. We were both getting sick of the library and I offered up my place instead.

Vic had never been in my room before. The only time I ever saw him was at the library.. or the party... god the party.

I felt my cheeks heat up even at the thought of it. Vic made me feel things I couldn't even describe. The way his strong arms held me and his fingers trailed along my skin stuck with me. It was the only thing I could really think about.

Well... that and philosophy. Vic had a lot to learn. I huffed as I marked my notes, indicating topics he would need to know. How was I going to teach him anything if all I could think about was him and the things he could do to me? He really put me on edge. I never had a problem with staying focused until I met him.

There was just something about him. I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Everything from his voice to his eyes that lit up when he smiled. God he was pretty. The kicker was his personality though, his persona completely drew me to him. It was safe to say I had a little crush.

Despite him showing obvious interest in me at the party, I was still nervous he wasn't as into me as I was into him. Like I said, he is ridiculously relaxed. What if he didn't want anything from me besides a quick one?

Then again, he didn't really get anything out of what happened at the party. We were interrupted before I could get to that. My cheeks heated up again. I huffed and shook my head. "Get over it, you're overthinking." I muttered as I fixed my blankets again.  I had too much to worry about already, especially Vic passing the class.

Vic texted me saying he was outside and I let him into my building, leading him to my room. "Oh yeah I got you this." Vic said as we walked down the hall towards my room. "Vanilla latte with almond milk." He said proudly, handing me the cup. "Almond milk? How did you know?" I asked, taking the cup from him and taking a sip.

"I remember you mentioning something about not drinking milk. That philosopher guy Peter Singer convinced you, right?" He asked referencing my favorite philosopher. "You really do listen. Thank you." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. For the first time, he blushed instead of me. He really could be so sweet sometimes.

"Here's my place." I said simply, feeling his eyes on me as I opened the door. "No roommate?" Vic asked, following me in. I just shook my head, sitting down on my bed crosslegged and taking a sip of my coffee. "I'm an RA so I don't have one." I explained.

"Your nerd level just went up again." Vic laughed, plopping himself down on my bed next to me. He laid down with his arm draped over my thigh. I still couldn't get over how relaxed he always was. He just threw his arm on me with no problem but the slightest touch from him makes my head swim.

"Jerk." I muttered before pinching him on the forearm. "Ow! Kellin!" He yelled, making me laugh, his face holding an incredulous expression. I will admit I pinched him pretty hard. "That's what you get for calling me a nerd." I sighed, putting my coffee down and taking out my books.

"Oh please, you love it when I tease you." Vic chuckled, making me look up from my notes with glare to show I felt otherwise. "Well what are you going to do about it then?" He challenged me, his eyes meeting mine; he was obviously in a playful mood today. It was cute.

Kellic Oneshots (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now