Why I love the moon

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Why I love the moon.

Weirdly enough, the thought of being somewhere alone, far away from society, someplace dark and quiet – seems so calming. Peacefull.

I personally find it very interesting how something like a childhood fear can turn into an adults fairytale. 

When I was little my biggest fear was the mirror next to my bed. I had to cover it up before I went to sleep every night and then in the morning, uncover it again. 

I was scared I'd see something I wanted to stay secret. My imagination was running wild in the dark. I was always wondering what could I see next? Sadly what I saw was nothing like Wonderland I dreamed of. I saw the monster hiding in the shadows of the night, under my bed. 

I was standing between my bed and the wall. I was looking into the mirror, frightened to make a sound. The monster was moving but only in one place. I turned my head over to see in its perspective. 

It saw me... and smiled.

Not like the fighting kind of smile, but the calming one. The one you only shows to your friends and people you care about. 

When the moon woke up and took off the blanket of clouds, my monster was gone. 

I went to the window and I opened it. I put my head against the side and all I could do was smile the way I was just taught. The moonlight felt so warm, for a second I thought the moon smiled back at me. 

The only thought in my head? 

"This is much better than Wonderland."

..And no, this had nothing to do with the moon. But what I do like about it is just the way it's so far far away. 

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