"I love you"s

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"I love you"s

"I love you so much.. you have no idea."
And with a warm feeling I gave you a hug.
You pulled smoothly away and asked:
"Where is it coming from? All this love.. what happened?"
I took a look at your beautiful eyes in the darkness on the streetlights and answered with an

"I don't know.. I just feel it."

I haven't stopped for a break from thinking of your question..

Why do I love you more than you could ever know..?

Because a hug can make my day go from being suicidal to thinking about tomorrow.

Because a kiss gives me more safety than the back of my mind.

Because just a smile makes all the voices go blank and even they call us sweet.

Because next to you there is no fear but excitement..
Of course I have my doubts, don't you?

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