March | 1.1.1

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You're the only reason I moved on from black and white
Why my color variety has become so wide
since I've reaccepted you into my life

Taehyung was staring down at his feet the whole way to class. He didn't know what to do, his mind was running in miles, his eyes watering out of no where and his morning has been nothing but caffeine to keep him awake. All night he's been thinking about nothing but Jungkook. How could he have done something like that? Why'd he have to slip up like that after only being little with the older once.

Jungkook must think he's a freak now. After he called the taller male daddy he couldn't help but to slip out of space. Squirming his way out of his arms and quickly getting into the car. The ride home was completely silent and it drew him crazy. They haven't talked eversince, Taehyung couldn't face it, Jungkook was probably going to break up with him. He didn't want that to happen so he's ignoring him as much as possible. As he walked into class he made sure to sit all the way in the back on the other side of the class where Anyone would find it hard to find him. Just in case Jungkook came to find him just so he could break up.

Jungkook on the other hand had no idea why the younger was ignoring him. He's been wanting to talk to him but every time he called or tried to talk to him Taehyung would ignore him. Even after the car ride he tried to talk to Taehyung but Taehyung just ran out and locked the house door. He figured he'd give the male some time to calm down before they talked but as you can see that was a horrible Idea. Now it was just a matter of walking into the other's class and pulling him out. Today marks the first day that Jungkook would use his power over the entire school at his advantage. He wasn't going to regret it though.

It was 3rd period and Jungkook had walked out of PE so he could walk to Taehyung's class. Of course he wouldn't have walked out of a core-curriculum class that would cause his grades to drop. He wasn't going to take that chance if he didn't have to. Either way he was out of his class and on his way to Taehyung's. Thankfully the hallways were empty, or else he'd regret not grabbing the male before he got out of the car even more. He couldn't afford to draw attention to himself, most girls at his school were feens.

Finally at the door of Taehyung's class Jungkook didn't hesitate to walk through the door, cutting the teacher off from her lesson. The girls were already gushing at his sweaty shirt and messy long hair that he was growing out. He didn't even take time to change out of the clothes he normally used for the Gym, so he was looking a hot mess, Literally.

(A/N: I imagine Jungkook hair to be like in Run episode 83 cause he was sweating in Gym class working out :")

Looking around the class Jungkook scanned the room for Taehyung who embarrassingly sunk in his seat. 'Why couldn't he wait until after school to break up now he's gonna embarrass me' he thought as he tried to hide from the male.

No success in finding the younger Jungkook turned to the teacher and gave her a look. Standing up the teacher stood up and walked over so Jungkook could tell her what he wanted. Nodding, she looked up scanning the room to find the male. Accomplishing the task she pointed at the male who was trying his best not to be seen.

"Taehyung Kim get over here."

Immediately people began to whisper.

'Dont tell me Taehyung found someone else to fuck around with..'
'Oh no did he throw himself at Jungkook? Poor Kookie...'
'Jungkook's probably bi and only fucking around with him you know how Taehyung is'

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