Andrew Info

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Name: Andrew Robert Diaz

Age: 17

Birthday: March 25

Zodiac: Aries

Mom. Gone
Dad. Prison
Older Brother. Dead
Little Sister. Killed

Favorite Thing: Blue Rose

Fun Fact: Really good cook

Likes: Blue roses, sweets, stuffed animals, Damien, playing guitar, reading, happiness

Dislikes: Sadness, bullies, cooking, crying, his Dad, being told be can't do something

Personality: He's a very bubbly social butterfly on the outside when in reality he has terrible anxiety, while you think he's just a happy idiot, he's actually quite sad, all he wants is someone to care for him instead of him only caring for others and he always puts himself down for this because he thinks it's selfish so he hides it

Background: You'll find out;)........

You can probably already guess but, let's keep those guesses to ourselves for the clueless people!!!

Author's Note: Hello Beautiful!!! I'm glad you decided to read my story, this is my first ever story written so welcome to cringe!!! I mean, you gotta start somewhere right?? Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! Next chapter will explain Damien

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