Class Trip

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Damien's POV
Andrew has been hanging around me for almost a week now, without MY permission. Although, I'm not really mad, he's just annoying. "Alright class, tomorrow and through the weekend we are going on an over night trip" We are? Why weren't we notified earlier? The teacher continued "The district decided this last minute, I'll be choosing your room partners, no girl and boy mixtures"

She started naming off groups and I zoned out. I ended up falling asleep in the middle of class.

Andrew's POV

    I look over to see Dd fell asleep and I smile. 'He's so cute when he sleeps AHH!! NOOO, best friends first, then if you still like him, go for it but best friends first' I look at the teacher and she continues the names.
David and Gerald

Lila and Susan

Andrew and Damien

Kevin and... Wait

ANDREW AND DAMIEN!!! WE'RE ROOMIES!! Oh god, I'm never gonna get rid of this crush, fuuuuuuck. *riiiiiiinnnggggg* Oh, there's the bell, I should wake up Dd. I leaned over and gently... Ok not so gently shook him. "Dd!!!! School is oveeeeer!!!!" He jumped awake "What the hell Andrew!!!" I snickered 'his hair is so cute and messy!' He tsked and got up "C'mon asshole, let's start our walk home" I smiled and nodded in agreement.

(Time skip brought to you by Eraser Daddy's bed head)

   We got to the street where we have to split and I start to feel sad "Ok Dd!!! See you tomorrow, and btw we're roomies in the field trip byyeee!!!" I laugh and run off as he yells about not telling him earlier. I turn around and smile "Be prepared Dd!! I'll be the most annoying roommate you'll ever know!!!" I winked and he blushed, waved and quickly walked away.

   I sighed, frowned and walked to my apartment. When I got inside I just sat on the couch and just stared for a second before I grabbed my book and deer stuffie, yes I call them stuffies and yes they have names, Hoovles is his name. I hug him and start reading my book. It's about a mechanic and a clock spirit, they eventually fall in love. (I believe that's the main plot of this book, don't come at me if you know it, I haven't read it in years) It's my favorite book.

   I sigh "I wish me and Damien could be together, we could just cuddle all day and maybe even kiss kiss fall in love" I say out loud 'It'll never happen, I'm unlovable' I slowly close the book and start to cry, I cry until my eyes go dry. I cried so hard I got a migraine and passed out. I started doing one of the things I hated... Dreaming.

*in the dream*
I cried out "No!! Daddy don't!!!" BOOM!!!  His gun goes off. My mother runs up to me and takes me to their room and opens the window that's near the ground and hands me a phone. "Baby, I need you to run, call 911 tell them our address and say that daddy is being dangerous and mommy is scared, say that you ran ok?" I cried more "Mommy come with me" Tears ran down her face and she smiles "I wish I could baby but I can't, remember mommy loves you and to never stop showing your beautiful smile Hunny" I heard banging on the door and mommy pushed me to go "Go baby, I'll always be with you in your heart, I promise, now go" I nodded and ran away crying "I love you Mommy!!"
*Dream over*

   I jolted up "Momma!!" I was breathing heavily, I held my head and started to cry and laugh. "It's all my fault that they're dead, I don't know what to do, I'm a failure" I didn't eat that night, I don't deserve it, not after what I did.

Authors note: Helloooo Beautiful!!! Wow, that was depressing, sorry this took so long, I needed some time to get everything mental handled for me, I'm going through a rough patch but nothing I can't handle!!! I thank you all for the support, no matter how little it is, it still makes me happy!!

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