Never Say Never pt4

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Courtney's POV

Stella and i decided to go to the pool so we get into our bikinis and head off to the floor. We are at the elevator waiting to go down when we hear people coming. 

Courtney: *whispers* dont look 

Stella: *whispers* why?? 

Courtney: because we might find out in the elevator and what ever you do dont fangirl be as calm as ever 

*DOORS OPEN* we enter the elevator then a hand holds the door open and Harry enters the elevator then Niall. 

I look over at Stella, shes lookig at me with all the excitement in the world i think i was showing the same expression because i heard an Irish accent ask. 

Irish accent: are you girls alright? 

I knew who it was it was Niall. I calmed myself down before turning to him and saying. 

Me: yes everythings fine 

Harry: what about you love? 

I could see Stella was on the edge of exploding with excitement. All she managed to say was. 

Stella: um...uuhh..yye- 

I cut her off 

Me: shes alright thanks for asking 

Niall: ok

Harrys POV

The elevator was very quiet and awkward the girls said they were alright but they looked like they were about to explode with excitement or something. The doors open, we're in the lobby. We all walk out and walk to the pool the girls walk faster than Niall and I, I guess they dont want to fangirl or something but i didnt mind. When we got to the pool the girls we already on the other side of the pool area and are making there way to two spare pool chairs. There were two more next to the girls and they were the only ones there. I looked at Niall. 

Me: we have to sit next to those girls we saw in the elevator. 

Niall: ok why? 

Me: because they are the only seats left 

Niall: ok 

We go put our stuff down and get ready to jump in the pool when *splash* someone jumped in the pool I turn around it was the girls well one of them anyway the other decided to walk down the steps into the pool . Next minute 

??: BOMMIE!!! 

*SLPASH* my feet got wet, it was Niall.  

Me: could you make an ever bigger splash? 

I asked sarcastically 

Niall: probably 

He said with a cheeky grin

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