Never Say Never pt20

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Zayns POV

I do a quick clean up of the lounge room and look at the other boys. Niall it eating the the left over foor, Liam is putting all the scraps in the bin and Harry and Louis are trying to wash and dry all the spoons as quick as possible so Liam doesnt see. I go out of the hotel room to see if i see Allyson. The elevator is making its way to the floor. I shut the door. 

Me: guys quick the elevator is going to the floor.  

They speed up the pace while i run to the girls 

Stella: what is it Zayn? 

Me: ....elevator ...making ...way might be your mum Courtney! 

Courtney: shit! Are the boys almost finished? 

Me: i think so... 

Courtney: oh good. 

I quickly go and check out side again. The elevator doors open. Its Allyson. I close the door 


Courtney: SHIT!  

Her and Stella came running in 

Stella: umm how about we sit on and around the couch just talking but Harry and Niall cant sit next to us so she wont notice. 

Harry and Niall: oh ok 

We all run to the couch Courtney, Stella and I end up sitting on the floor. The door opens. 

Allyson: im ba- 

Harry: so do you have any cats? Oh hi Courtneys mum.  

Liam: well i think this is our que to leave. 

He gets up and walks to Allyson. 

Liam: thank you for letting us hang out here for a few hours we'll pay for the room service. 

Allyson: thats alright ill pa- 

Liam: no we will we apreciate you letting us to get to know the girls better. 

Allyson: ok. 

Liam: thank you again and girls see you around? 

Girls: yeah hopefully we'll se you around 

We left the hotel room. Once the door was shut we crowded around Niall and asked all sorts of questions all excited for him. 

Niall: yes i love her ok. It was like love at first sight.

Courtneys POV

The boys have left so i ran straight into the shower. I felt so comfortable after and it helped me reflect on the day and helped me wake up from the dream. I was dating Niall Horan THE NIALL HORAN! I got out and let Stella have a shower. When she got out i was on the couch. 

Me: Stella can i sleep with you tonight? 

Stella: yeah sure 

We both go into her room. We just talk about how great today was. Like i mean my dream has already come true but i think Stellas would also come true. I realised i havent seen if there was free wifi here. I check my Ipod.  

Me: Stella! Free WIFI! 

She immediatly grabbed her ipod and connected to it. I went on twitter and saw that all of the boys have followed me im pretty sure they followed her too because she screamed with excite ment. After that i looked up Niall's twitter. He tweeted 'head over heels in love. It was love at first sight. I Love You Babe'. I had tears in my eyes. 

Stella: Courtney, whats wrong? 

I give her my ipod 

Me: hes so sweet. 

Stella: awwwwwww! 

I get my ipod and write a new tweet 'you are so sweet. You're everything ive asked for. I Love You so much babe. With all my heart.' i wasnt expecting anyone to reply except Stella because no one else knows. Well other than the boys but yeah. 

I saw my phone light up. It was a text from Niall. 

'Baby you light up my world like no body else :) tonight was amazing cant wait to see you again ;) i hope you read my tweet. I got so many replies saying aww thats adorable and who is she?? And stuff. I really dont want to leave Perth i want to stay bere with you. Love You Babe <3 Niall xxxxx' 

I showed Stella 

Stella: aww thats ssoo cute! You two are so adorable together.

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