Never Say Never pt69

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Zayns POV

Only half an hour after posting the video we were flooded with views, likes and comments even our twitters were flooding with mentions

Liam: I guess this means we need to do more video diaries together

Stella: and Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie have to be in it

Everyone simply agreed with the statement. We had completely forgotten we were still in our swim wear.

*RING RING* Courtney's home phone was ringing. Courtney quickly got up and ran on her toes to the phone, it was quite funny actually. I giggled and Niall hit me

Me: ow what was that for haha

Niall: haha your were giggling like a girl

Courtney: hello?..oh hey..yeah..she's here, alright see you BYEE.....Stella its your mum

Stella got up

Stella: hey mum.

She walked off. There was an empty space next to Harry from where Stella was sitting, Louis simply shuffled over into her spot.

Louis: I'm just going to keep it warm for her

Me: haha yeah right

Courtney's POV

It was about 9pm when we all realized we were still in our bathers.

Me: I'll be back I'm going for a shower.

Liam: oh yeah we should have showers now it's 9pm and we need to get up at 6.30am

Me: haha that's why I'm showering now

Niall: well hurry back

Stella: there's no point she takes FOREVER!

Me: haha shut up Stella

I walked to my room grabbed my pj's and went to the shower. It was pretty hot so I made sure my shower wasn't too hot. I washed my hair, it smelt like raspberries, I shaved my legs and just stood I the shower thinking, then I remember there were six other people who needed to have a shower, so I quickly got out got dressed and ran to my room. I grabbed a piece of paper and in black pen I wrote 'I Love You. Always&Forever x'. I got some clothes ready for tommorrow, I decided I wouldn't wear make up. I walked back out to the others

Stella: finally. Zayn showers free

Zayn: yes!

Me: haha shut up I was thinking, then got clothes ready for tomorrow.

Stella: riiight.

Me: I'm being serious even go into my room and have a look

Stella: nah ill be right.

Everyone had their showers and we were just sitting there, we had a movie on but we completely forgot about it.

Louis: weren't we watching a movie?

Me: I just put it on but we can watch it.

Stella: oh my god it's finding nemo

Me: yeah I just put it on..and I like Disney movies and I haven't watched this in AAAGES!

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