Chapter 3 Sirens and some new clothes

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What Tav didn't know was that Alex had more than enough money to get what she wanted because he would do anything for her. Tav was his whole life rolled into one person, Alex could not live without Tav. Alex saw that Tav was looking at the pacifiers, so when Tav went to use the bathroom Alex went and bought the one she was looking at. True it was five bucks but he thought it would be the one thing she would love. Tav came back and they left the Walmart. Tav and Alex walked all day and talked about a lot of stuff. Like where they would have been if neither of them came into each other's lives. Tav would have died two years ago and Alex oh he would've gone crazy by now. Alex never knew what love felt like and he heard that love is the only thing you need in your life. Tav was having trouble with her gender identity, so Alex decided he need to help her (or at least try to)

Tav and Alex are just sitting there when all of a sudden they hear sirens. Tav is freaking out(Alex didn't want to admit it but he was too but he had a hard time show his emotions). Alex is trying to calm her down it took him some time but Tav finally calmed down. They walked away from the street. Tav and Alex had been out so long that the cursed cycle that Tav went through every month(AKA a period) happened and she had to take care of it so they went to a store that was nearby. 

(Alex's POV):

Tav and I were just sitting on the grass about five feet from the street when an ambulance flies past us. I was freaking out but Tav clung to me before I could react. It took some time to calm Tav down. when she calmed down enough we walked away from the street. Tav was acting Weird, She didn't want me to hold her for long periods of time. It didn't hit me till I realized how long we had been out on our own. Her period had started the night before which means she didn't get pregnant and I was not happy about it but the more I thought about it the more I realized it might've been for the better. So we hurried to the closest store. While Tav took care of her period I walked around the store to see what it had to offer. There was food, clothes, toys for kid, baby clothes, and health stuff; Tav got back and I was looking at the clothes that looked like it would fit us. I found a shirt and a jacket that would help me blend into the woods. I don't know what Tav found but I bet it was better then what I found. A lot comfier too. We left in better clothes than when we came in with. When we got somewhere we could dump our old clothes. we had to get to our next shelter, where ever that was.

(Tav's POV)

We sat there talking about something stupid and all of a sudden I heard it, the sound of pure pain. An ambulance, out of pure instinct I cling to Alex and squeezed him as hard as I could. It was thirty seconds of hell, but it finally passed. It took a few minutes to calm down. Then it hit me. I needed to get to a bathroom as soon as possible, cause we have been on our own for almost a month. We went to the nearest store and I hurried to the bathroom. I walked in and took a stall and sighed a sigh of relief cause I wasn't pregnant, but I was also disappointed because I would not have a child of my own, but it's best not to draw attention to us. I took care of the curse of the month and went to find Alex and he was looking at clothes. "You think it's a good idea?" he asked me. I agreed with him. So we both looked at some clothes, I went to the women's section and found a dress it looked like a wedding dress but less poofy, had a floral pattern that looked really pretty. But I kept looking and found some black pants and shirts. A pair of camo pants and a few shirts. I went to go try on the clothes and they all fit. When I came out of the changing room Alex was waiting for me he already finished and bought his clothes. So I handed him the ones that fit and paid for them. I love my daddy cause he doesn't make me carry stuff and we look like a father and daughter just walking through a store. We left the store and Alex walked around with the bags in his bag all day.

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