Chapter 4 Secrets that are hidden

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(Tav's POV)

When night finally fell he found a good spot for us to change clothes. As i was changing Alex look at me and notice the scar on my back, and asked me what happened. I told him it happened while we were running from the police. But it was a lie it really happened three years ago when i got into a fight with my best friend and she told me "your fat and ugly and if you think I'm lying ask anyone around you, and just to make sure you never forget it" and she then cut me with a piece of glass off the ground. To this day her words still ring in my head. I am going to have to tell him someday but not today, it's too early to tell him. I finished getting dressed in my new camo pants which Alex turned around to give me some privacy like a real gentleman and a black shirt. I sat down as Alex took his shirt off and noticed a giant hole on one side of his body and what looked like chunks missing on the other, that looks like it hurt like hell. I asked him about the giant hole and he told me he ran into a very sharp branch the other day, I took his word for it he had no reason to lie to me. I watched him change his pants and it didn't seem to bother him, then I noticed some chunks of skin missing out of his leg and only then did I ask him about the chunks. I think he was trying to think of a lie to tell me cause he went silent and didn't say anything. When he finally said something he said "I got them protecting you" I was speechless he continued "it was five years ago, the day your parents crashed into a semi-truck and flipped the car over. You were in the back seat passenger side and the glass had not broken so I broke it but in the process of getting you out of the car I cut my entire left side but I managed to save your life that day and I've watched over you ever since" I was in tears for the last five years I thought I had been saved by a fireman, not the man that was standing in front of me " thank you Alex, thank you."

(Alex's POV)

I carried the bag with the clothes all day, we finally found a safe place to change I handed Tav her clothes. As she took off her shirt I saw the scar on her back I asked her where she got it. She told me "it happened while we were running from the police." but it looks older than that. It looks at least a year old, but I let it go if she didn't want to tell me then she didn't have to. I let her change her pants in peace I turned around and watched for police just in case they followed us. She changed into her camo pants and a black shirt. She sat on the ground and watched me as I took my shirt off. "What the hell happened to your right side." I was kind of surprised that she didn't ask about my left. "It happened while we were running from the cops, I ran into a really sharp branch." as I was changing my pants that's when she asked about the scars on my left side. I knew this was going to happen one day, so I thought about how I would tell her then the words hit me I told her "I got them protecting you" she looked stunned " it was five years ago, the day your parents crashed into a semi-truck and flipped the car over. You were in the back seat passenger side and the glass had not broken so I broke it but in the process of getting you out of the car I cut my entire left side but I managed to save your life that day and I've watched over you ever since" and at that moment the scars stung really bad. I started feeling like harry potter.

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