Chapter 5 Back to the past This chapter is about the day that Alex saved Tav

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(Alex's POV)

I was biking to the store on Tuesday, January, 5th 2014. When all of a sudden I heard the horrifying scraping of metal. When I got there, there was a dark blue dodge charger upside down and a semi truck with a massive dent in the grill. The was a woman crying and screaming "My little girl is still in there. Please, someone, help her." I hesitated but there weren't any police or firefighters on the scene yet, so I took a rock and smashed the window to the rear passenger side door. There she was hanging upside down buckled to the seat. "Excuse me, ma'am, can you hear me?" no response so I positioned her and held her as I unbuckled the seat, lowered her into my lap. I took my sweatshirt and wrapped it around her to protect her from the glass on the roof of the car and the ground. I heard the sirens of the ambulance, to save the EMS time I carried her to the ambulance. The EMS took her to the hospital and only then did I realize that I was bleeding profusely, I also had a piece of glass stuck in the back of my leg. All of a sudden there was a painful sting across my ribs, the girls' mother gave me a hug and her father thanked me for saving her life.they both smelled like something I had smelled before I just couldn't put my finger on it. Once another ambulance arrived I was rushed to St Louis hospital where the girl was sent. That is where I finally got her name from the doctor that was taking care of her "her name is Tav, and if you didn't happen to be there she would have died from all the blood that had rushed to her head. Her parents say thank you and God bless your soul." I was still a little light headed so I sat down and would not let anyone touch her until she woke up. Well of course as soon as I get into the bathroom she wakes up and they hurry her to do a checkup and rushed me the ER to make sure that the gashes on my side were not infected and they patched me up. Unfortunately, I had waited so long that I had to sit in the ER for a few more weeks. The only downside to saving someone's life.

(Tav's POV)

My parents were taking me to legions park. It's an amusement park that has been top rated lately. So I asked my parents to take me, and they agreed to take me. Three days later I was getting ready to go and my parents were sitting down waiting for me to come down and I guess I took to long cause when I came downstairs they were drinking something that smelled like pure evil I didn't know it at the time but they were getting drunk right in front of me. We finally got out to the car it was hot that day we had a dark blue dodge charger with leather seats. Thankfully I was wearing pants that day so I had skin to stick to the seat and when you try and move you almost rip parts of yourself off. We were on the road for about twenty-five minutes before it happened. All you hear is the honking of a car horn and everything goes black. When I finally came to, i asked what happened and my mother told me "someone pulled you out of the car after it was hit by a semi-truck." I was trying to find out who it was that saved me but by the time one of the nurses was going to tell me they rushed me off to get checked on. It took at least half an hour to get it all done. When I finally got done the nurse told me "the man that saved you has already left the hospital, he said he had a call to take" so I thought the man that saved me was a fireman. So from that day on, I have always thanked any fireman, thinking that the man that saved me would talk to me about what actually happens to me.

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