New Surroundings

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(One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things)

After going to court for months 5 years ago the Judge decided to put James in a psych ward. My mom got better and finally came home. Her & David was with me every step of the way.

David can't even put into words how sorry he is this happened to me. He and mom calls me and Brian every week and send us these "well wish" checks. I love them both. Brian & I both decided to move away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We now reside in Virginia. A quant little town. Big diffrence from Florida but I like it nevertheless. Quiet and slow moving is just what we need. Plus all of Brians family live here so it's nice to get to know everyone.

Brian decided if we was to get a place together we should also get a gun. Now I was strictly against guns but after the stuff I been through these last few years, I didn't object. He brought a lock box with code for it and even took me to a gun range to learn how to shoot it. Safety first....

"Hey hon can bring in the last of those boxes?"

"Sure thing. After this I need to get down to the site. Something about the blue prints. "

"Okay. I got to go in at 2:00 at the library."

He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Megan I love you and I'll see you tonight. And don't dare think about cooking, I'm bringing dinner.

He wisked out to the door and went to the car. I stood at the doorway and watched him drive off. We waved at the same time, he then turned & gave me that sweet smile I fell in love with. At that moment I felt like the luckest girl alive. I clutched my chest & smiled. Back to the house I went. I put away two more boxes before it was time for work. I took a shower, got dressed and did my hair in a cute bun. I grabbed my keys and locked the door. As my back was turned I had this strange feeling someone was watching me. I turned around and no one was there.

God Megan get a hold of yourself.

I shook my head and made my way to my car. I arrived at work in about 10 mins. Janet the other librarian was there.

Evil Stepbrother (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now