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(The Paranoid is never entirely mistaken)

Pure Paranoia. That's exactly what this is. That book accidentally fell from the shelf. Probably too close to the edge. No one was watching me. And that strange feeling was just hunger.

I was trying so hard to convince myself. Should I tell Brian what I was feeling?

I turned into our driveway and made my way inside. I locked the door and made my way upstairs. I completely stripped my clothes and took a long, nice, bubble bath. I got out and put on my flannel PJ's. It was a bit chilly out. I made my way downstairs to prepared dinner but then I remembered Brian was bringing dinner home so I grabbed a snack and sat down on the couch. My favorite show Law and Order:SVU was on so I watched it until Brian came home.

"Hi honey. How was your day?"

"It was good. Finally got those contracts finalized. What about yours?"

"It was okay."

"Just okay?"

Should I tell him?

"Just a little tired from the move."

He came over and massaged my shoulders.

"After dinner I'm going to give you a full body massage."

"Ooooo I like the sound of that. Speaking of dinner, What did you bring? I'm starving! "

"Your favorite. Shrimp Alfredo."


I sat the table and fixed us both glasses of wine. After we prayed over the food we both sat down & started eating.

"So honey are you sure your okay? Anything you wanna talk about."

"I..I been feeling strange all day. Weird things been happening."

"What you mean?"

"When you left for work and I was standing out side waving to you, I had this strange feeling someone was watching me."

"Watching you?"

"Yes watching me then at the library and..."

"Megan I really think you may be over reacting."

"Brian I'm not....I heard footsteps on the upper deck, a book fell from a shelf behind me as I was on the ladder..."

He stopped me mid sentence and stood up and banged both of his fist on the table.

"Damn it Megan! We are pass this bullshit! We moved to get away from Florida and all it brought with it."

"I know Brian. It's just....I know what I felt."

"Why are you trying to make something out of nothing? "

I stared at him in disbelief.

"Here we are trying to leave the past in the past and your fucking bringing James in our future!"

As he said the last word, his hands swiped the food on the table, on to the floor.

It made a loud bang noise.

I jumped.

I couldn't believe he was talking to me like this. Brian never cussed at me. Let alone break dishes, on purpose. I couldn't believe he thought I was making this up. Tears started streaming down my face.

"Megan baby.....I'm so..."

He came over towards me. Touched my shoulder.

I flinched.

I ran pass him up to our bedroom and slam the door. I laid on the bed and cried my sleep into a fitful sleep.

It was 2:00am when I woke up. Brian was not in bed.

I used the bathroom and went downstairs.

The kitchen was clean.

I went to the living room. Brian was on the sofa watching tv. He shut it off when he saw me. He walked over to me and got on his knees.

"Baby I am so so so sorry. I don't ever want you to feel like I don't believe you. When you flinched it broke me. I would never hurt you. I love you so much. Your my one and only."

He stood up.

I didn't know what to say. I was still hurt. I put my head down.

"Look at me."

I couldn't. I didn't want to forgive him so easily. And I knew if I looked into those beautiful blue eyes, everything would be forgotten.

He took my chin and lifted it up.

I stared at his mouth.

He took my face with both hands and kiss me with such ferocity that I ended up against the wall.

He took me in his arms and upstairs to our bedroom. He laid his forehead on mine and looked into my eyes pushing us both onto the bed. One hand on my stomach he kissed me in a way I never been kissed before. My toes started curling downwards. Our clothes were off in a matter of minutes. His tongue penetrated my  moistness; his mouth sucked my sweet spot  until I was achy and breathless. 

He drove his tongue inside me setting off a shattering moan that was music to his ears.  Raw, intense, absolutely delicious noises of pleasure as he plundered me with his tongue. I grabbed his hair, yanked and pulled him closer as he’d told me to do. He thrust one finger inside me, crooking it and hitting me in the spot that turned my moans into one long, high-pitched orgasm. I shuddered against him, my legs quaking, and when he finally slowed to look up at me, he saw me, my hair was a wild tumble, and my face was glowing. He penetrated me with such deepness I couldn't help but to grab him closer. "You are mine," he grunts out, pumping into me, the length and level of his arousal brutal. "Mine," he swears, as he releases my mouth and turns me around, pushing me forward as he yanks my legs back, one hand hard on my back, the other gripping my ass. He doesn’t slow the movement, giving me full, hard thrusts, my breasts bouncing. As our bodies moved together I was rocked to my very soul at the intensity of the feelings that swept through me, feelings that were by sure, gentle, savage, generous, greedy. With the last shreds of his self-control, I held on until I felt more tremors shake my body. Then he plunged deep and buried his face in my neck.

"Oh God Megan," he groaned over and over as the fulfillment shot through him. "I love you, baby. I love you."

Even in the aftermath he wouldn't let go. Rolling to his side, he brought me with him, kissing me with untamed joy.

Evil Stepbrother (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now