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I turned around. My body froze.

There he stood....


He stepped out the shadows into the moon light and I immediately backed against the wall. My head started pounding. I closed my eyes.

Please be a dream

"Open your eyes baby."


I opened my eyes and looked at him.

He was wearing only black sweat pants, and combat boots. He stood shirtless. The sweat glistening off his hard rock abs. He started towards me. His chest tightening and flexing as he walked. I stifled out a small gasp. He was much bigger than the last time I saw him. His arms and chest....so muscular. He had a small beard, clean cut and his hair was to his shoulders. He walked  right in front of me.

"You look so beautiful when your sleeping. So very innocent."

He touched my cheek with the back of his hand. The same way the hand did in the photo.....and that's when I knew it was him who had took this photo. It must of been him in that black truck. I turned my face away from him. I dare not speak. He took two items out of his pocket. It was my missing ultrasound picture and pregnancy test. I was baffled.

"How...how did you get those?"

"Tsk,tsk,tsk....you must not know how good I am. I hired a private investigator while locked away. I've had you followed ever since you moved to Virginia."

My month dropped.

So I wasn't going crazy.....someone was following me

He looked at the ultrasound, then back at me. He came inches from my face.

"Is this true?"

I looked away.


"Leave me alone." 

He took my chin and forcibly turned me to him.


I saw his glittering eyes in the darkness. Shaky and frightened by his harsh remoteness I spoke.


He grabs me by the waist and pulls me off the wall towards him.

"Why Megan?

"James please.... let me go."

"Tell me why."

My lower lip trembled. I was afraid.

"I don't know."

"You was suppose to wait for me. I was suppose to plant my seed in you. You and I was going to start a family. "

He took a knife out his pocket and put it to my stomach. I stilled. My heart racing in my chest.

"Oh god, Please don't hurt my baby. Please I beg you. "

"It must bring destroyed."

"NO! Don't do this please.....Please don't hurt my baby James.....I...I'll do anything."

He looked at me closely.

"Oh I know you will.....Hmmm....I suppose I could come to love this baby as much as I love you but you must be punished Megan. You were very bad while I was locked away. Your out here frolicking with that bastard. You let him marry you, fuck you, pregnate you. And all the time your enjoying it.  I can not overlook any of that."

Evil Stepbrother (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now