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(Be Happy In Anticipation Of What Is Coming)

As we pulled up to the airport, I started getting excited. I couldn't wait to see my mom. I missed her so much. David too.

It's only been a few months but it felt like years as we waited near the terminal for them. People started to exit the plane. One by one people strolled out.

"Any sign of them?"

"Not yet."

Then I saw them walk out. Arm in arm. Looking like two lovestruck teenagers. Mom was beautiful as always and David was looking very handsome in his suit. That man was always wearing a suit.


She looked up. I started running towards them. I missed her so much. I ran right into her arms. She tightly hugged me.

"My baby."

She kissed my forehead.

"I've missed you little bug."

"I missed you too mama."

I went over to David and hugged him.

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi David."

He kissed both my cheeks.

Brian came over.

He hugged my mom.

"Hi Jill."

"Hi Brian."

She kissed his cheek.

Brian shook Davids hand.

"Hi David."

"Hi Brian."

Brian and David went to get the bags. I walked arm in arm with mom.

"Something's different about you."

I smiled.

"What you mean mom? I'm the same ole Megan."

"I can't lay my finger on it. Your glowing."

"I'm happy that's all."

"I'm glad you're happy."

We walked to the car with Brian and David trailing, talking about Brians work. They put the bags in the truck and mom and I sat in the back as the guys sat in the front.

"So tell me are you liking Virginia?

"It's so different here. More relaxed and slow paced."

"Well I'm glad you enjoy it. I miss you so much in Florida."

"Aw mama I miss you too."

"I've made new friends."

"Really mom. That's nice."

"Yeah we go shopping, to movies, restaurants. Me and David also double date at times. "

"That's so good to hear mom."

"What about you little bug?"

"Well I work in a library. And me and my coworker Janet has become very best friends. She's sorta like a sister to me."

Mom hugged me.

"I'm happy for you baby. Are you having anymore nightmares?"

"No.....they have actually stopped since we move here."

"It's so good to hear."

"Thanks mom."

"So where are we going?"

Evil Stepbrother (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now