Strange Feeling

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(Sometimes.... I don't know if I'm in a dream. It feels like I am, but I know I'm not. What is this called? What is wrong with me? )

Hi Janet. Busy day?"

"Hi Megan. It wasn't too bad. I like to see avid readers come in."

"Oh me too. I love books and the love people have for them. Hence Why I took a job as an libarian."

We both laughed

"Well dear I'm going to finish putting these books away and get out your hair."

"Oh Janet you know I enjoy your company. Your one of the people that makes this moving to a new town a lot easier."

"Megan that is one of the kindest things anyone has said to me. Thank you."

"No problem love."

We hugged. I started putting away all the books that had been turned in recently.

"Megan I am finished. I have clocked out and I'm going home.

"Okay. Drive safe."

"Thanks bye."

I put away just about all the books except one . This book belonged in the upper deck of the library. By now it was 6:30. At 8:00 it will be time to go home. The library was pretty empty except for two students doing research. I made my way up the steps. The upper deck was completely empty. I had to go up the tall ladder to put the book away. As I climb the ladder I heard footsteps in the room.


I shook my head. Get a grip Megan.

I reached the top and put the book away.


I turned around. A book had fell off the shelf behind me.

"Hello is someone there?"

I desended down the ladder. I reached down and put the book away.


I walked around to the other side of the bookshelf. No one was there. That strange feeling I had earlier had came back.

Was someone watching me?

I checked the whole upper deck.


Deep breath

I made my way back downstairs. The two students were leaving as I made my way down.

"Bye guys"

"See ya"

I decided to close as soon as they left. I grabbed my bags, clocked out and turn off the lights. I looked around the dark room. I had that eerie feeling still. I closed the main door and locked it. I went towards my car and checked the backseat and front.


I let out a sigh and got in the car and drove home.

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