And That's Why Dream Never Says He's Sick

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It was a bright, sunny and cheerful day in Dreamtale. Everyone was having a great time, playing in the village and having fun...

Until Dream sneezed.

"Dream, are you alright?" Nightmare, his brother who played the role of big brother asked.

Dream shook his(?) skull, "No, i think i have a cold—"

Nightmare rushed over, "Oh, holy tree! Will you be OK?! Do you need to go to the hospital?! Should I get you some medicine?!"

", Nighty, it's just a cold—"

"YOU'RE SICK, DREAM! YOU NEED TO LAY DOWN!" Night tried to get his twin to go back to bed.

"Nighty, stop, I'm—"

Suddenly, someone kicked down the door to their house and the villagers crowded in, "Oh, great tree! Dream is sick?" "We have to get him to the hospital!" "He can't die!" "You'll be fine, Dreamy! Just hold on, OK?"

"Erm...I'm fine, everyone, it's just a cold—"

The villagers all ushered Dream out of the house. Nightmare then dragged the confused child WHO MUST BE PROTECTED to the hospital. The villagers all sat in the waiting room.

"You can come in now," a doctor said to Nightmare and Nim(AKA the tree spirit, Nightmare and Dream's mom).

Nightmare sprang to his feet and rushed into the room that held Dream, followed closely by Nim.

"Are you alright, my sweet child?!" Nim shouted, worried.

Dream, who was still confused, nodded his(?) skull.

Nim then hugged both of her sons, crying relieved tears, "I'm so glad you are OK!"

The whole village celebrated that day, and Nim insisted on making it a holiday to celebrate Dream's well-being.

And Dream never told anyone when he was sick ever again. The end.

Peace out, yo.

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