Dat Line Tho

58 3 12

WARNING: This chapter is crossmare. If you don't ship it, don't read this.

Cross: *walks over to Nightmare* hey, has anyone ever told you—
Cross: *stops* oh, my god!
Nightmare: *confused* what??
Nightmare: what—what's going on—
Cross: shh, shhhh, try not speak! Here, sit down, just don't—don't talk...
Horror: *comes over* is he okay?!
Cross: I'M SERIOUS, CALL 911(or 119 where I am)!!
Nightmare: what's wrong—
Cross: shh, shhhhhh, just don't move, d-don't move, just try—here, here, have some water! SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN SOME WATER!!
Reaper: *hurries over with a glass of water*
Cross: *shoves water into Night's hand* here, drink this.... *is now shining a light in Night's eye*
*Killer and Dust rush in, dressed as paramedics*
Cross: oh, thank god you're here!
Nightmare: alright, what is going on?!?!
Cross: *to Killer 'N Dust* there might be some internal bleeding, probably some—some fractures, we gotta get him to the hospital!
Nightmare: what are you talking about?!?!?!?!
Cross: you've had a terrible fall!
Nightmare: no I haven't!
Cross: really, 'cause I could've sworn you fell straight outta heaven... Angel. *winks*
Nightmare: wh...
Killer, Horror, Dust and Reaper: *chanting* give. Him. Your number! GIVE. HIM. YOUR NUMBER! GIVE. HIM. YOUR NUMBER—
Nightmare: *gets up* fuck this shit I'm OUT—

Peace out, yo.

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