Someone Save Error-

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I didn't put much effort into this chapter. I just thought of this situation and decided to write it down, so don't expect it to be good.

Cross, Error and Ink get separated from Nightmare's gang and the Star Sanses during a battle.

Error panicked and crashed. Cross and Ink laughed their asses off.

Ink tied Error up with some random Christmas lights and Cross pushed him down a hill. They both died of laughter.

They took turns pushing Error down the hill.

A while later, the Evil Sanses and Star Sanses found them. Crossy the knife boi and Inky the artist boi pushed Error down the hill again.

Nootmare didn't give a shit and sat down. Drem thought it was funny and also sat down. Nightmare and Dream got into a random argument.

Blue made an obstacle course out of cardboard boxes.

Dream set down a blanket and a picnic basket. Nightmare and Dream sat down and had a picnic. Killer, Horror and Dust sat down, too. Killer flirted with Dream. Ink kicked Killer in the gronk-nuks(Trollhunters fans'll get it). Horror and Dust laughed. Dream asked if he was okay. Killer flirted again. Ink was protective boi and kicked him in the gronk-nuks again.

Ink and Cross pushed Error down the hill/obstacle course. Everyone clapped. Error finished rebooting and broke through the Christmas lights. Mr glitchy boi went on a rampage. Everyone ran. Error screamed bloody murder and chased after them.

Peace out, yo.

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