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"kim junmyeon!" the coach shouted. junmyeon sighed, turning to look at the man.

"yes, sir?" he asked, pushing his glasses up.

"what are you doing?" he asked, voice gruff.

"uh... tying my shoe?" junmyeon offered, pointing to his untied shoelace.

"you're disrupting everyone else."

"wouldn't i be more of a disruption if i tripped and fell because i didn't tie my shoe properly?" junmyeon asked, confused. coach wang sighed.

"you know, you never let me win our bickering arguments," coach wang shook his head, "always have to have the last word, don't you?"

"sorry," junmyeon smiled slightly, sehun running up to him, out of breath.

"oh my god, i think i'm gonna die," sehun sighed, breathing heavily as he looked to coach wang, "coach, can we stop now? dodgeball, i mean really? you're basically giving the popular students a reason to hit us."

"junmyeon isn't complaining," coach wang frowned.

"yeah, cause i got hit in the head earlier and so now everything else feels less painful," junmyeon said, "come on, coach. you know we're being targeted here. can't we sit out?"

"if you're able to do fifty pushups, i'll let you both sit out," coach wang nodded. sehun groaned.

"can't i just die?" sehun whined as he dropped to the floor besides junmyeon, doing the pushups with him at the side of the gymnasium.

"i finished," junmyeon said, standing back up. sehun trailed a few behind, but eventually did make it to fifty.

"okay, fine," coach wang conceded, light smile on his face since he never was able to win with the two unathethletic boys, "go sit at the bleachers."

"cool. thanks, coach," junmyeon said, nodding as he grabbed his phone, headphones, and journal from his bag (which he hid behind the bleachers). sehun grabbed his phone and headphones, along with a textbook and some unfinished homework before following junmyeon up the bleachers.

"he's so nice to you, lucky ass," sehun huffed when they made it to the top. junmyeon shrugged, sitting down.

"he feels bad cause he knows his football team likes to bully me," junmyeon said, "excluding yixing, of course."

"yeah," sehun nodded, "well, we're living that stereotypical nerd life. geeky glasses, bow ties and suspenders, star wars, popular bullies, dodgeball. at least we don't have to deal with the stereotypical popularity-biased coach."

"yeah, you're right," junmyeon nodded, "we should make him a cake or something for not sucking."

"this coming friday?" sehun asked. junmyeon nodded, putting in his headphones and putting them on before flipping to a clear page of his journal. sehun also started listening to makeup while finishing the homework he was assigned during his earlier classes. the pair basically ignored each other, both jamming out to their very different music tastes, sehun finishing math homework while junmyeon busied himself with scratching down sketches of the tech he wanted to create, jotting down notes of how it had to look and features it had to have. he showed it to sehun briefly, who simply nodded in approval before going back to his advanced calculus.

eventually the bell rang, and they packed their stuff up before going to the locker room to change out of their gym uniforms, which consisted of grey t-shirts and maroon basketball shorts. they moved past the popular kids, waiting patiently until basically everyone had left.

"i'm totally gonna get milkshake'd later, aren't i?" junmyeon sighed as he pulled his shirt off, not realizing that there was one person who hadn't finished changing just yet.

"oh, definitely. maybe i should get you a raincoat," sehun said, catching junmyeon's glasses before they flew off from when he pulled his shirt off.

"you know, i think it would be a blessing if i could just go one week without getting milkshake in my hair," junmyeon grumbled, sehun fixing his glasses back onto his face, "really, not only is it humiliating, it's just a waste of a perfectly good milkshake."

"bet you can't drink a milkshake without thinking of getting one dumped on you- oh hey, yixing," sehun said. junmyeon froze, slowly turning to see none other than zhang yixing there. he blinked, suddenly realizing that he was shirtless, and yixing was too.

"oh, sorry for sneaking up on you like that," yixing said, smiling the dimpled smile that had junmyeon squeal on the inside like a fanboy, "i just wanted to say that i'm sorry about the whole milkshake thing."

"you've never thrown one on me," junmyeon said, now confused. yixing nodded.

"yeah, but still," yixing sighed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "it's... it's not a good thing and it shouldn't happen to anyone, especially not someone like you."

"someone like me?" junmyeon asked, "what do you mean?"

"you know. you're a sweet, cute type of guy," yixing said bluntly, "and you don't deserve any of the crap that goes your way. anyways- if i find out about them planning to milkshake you, i'll just have them run extra laps during practice."

"you can do that?" sehun asked, surprised.

"oh yeah, definitely. i can do basically anything since i'm the captain of all the sports teams," yixing nodded, putting his shirt on and tucking it in before putting on his letterman over it, "anyways, i gotta get going since my class is on the other side of the school building. just wanted to apologize for the years of torment you've been through."

"it's okay, really," junmyeon nodded quickly, "oh, and sorry about friday... awkward dinner."

"oh, it's fine," yixing replied, "it wasn't your fault. your dad, though... he seems like a real... well, you know."

"yeah. that's kind of just his personality," junmyeon nodded, "anyways, sorry about that whole thing."

"it's no issue," yixing said, slinging his back over his shoulder and offering a smile to junmyeon, "see you friday, junmyeon-ah. later, sehun."

yixing left, junmyeon slowly sliding down the locker room wall and sitting on the floor. he wallowed in his fanboy feels, sehun snickering at him.

"you're so whipped."

"i'm a sweet, cute type of guy," junmyeon grinned, "he thinks i'm cute. let me have this moment."

"you're delusional," sehun shook his head, finishing with changing his clothes, "now hurry up, we're gonna be late to next block."

"haven't you heard? i'm allowed to be late, sehun, zhang yixing, the love of my life, thinks i'm cute."

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