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"hey, seohyun," yixing smiled at junmyeon's mother, "junmyeon home?"

"yeah, he's down in the nerd lair. what a pleasant surprise- i'll take it that chinese take out isn't for me?" seohyun asked with a raised brow. yixing laughed slightly, handing her a separate bag.

"for you and the twins," yixing said. she smiled happily.

"yay. you can go on down, honey, i won't stop you," seohyun told him, "so glad my boy is making friends."

"yep," yixing only responded before heading downstairs. he found junmyeon, typing away speedily at at least five computers, headphones on as he had a look of complete focus. yixing bit back a smile, tapping on his shoulder. junmyeon turned to him, surprised to see him.

"yixing? what're you doing here?" junmyeon asked.

"i brought food," yixing told him, holding up bags. junmyeon grinned.

"i like food," junmyeon nodded, "okay, just give me a moment. let me save this. sehun, i'll talk to you later. bye."

junmyeon clicked a button on his phone, taking his headphones off. yixing looked around the basement. it was surprisingly really cool, albeit a tad bit geeky. but yixing liked the modern vibe to it.

"it's cool down here. i see why you like it," yixing nodded. junmyeon nodded, turning off his computers once he had everything saved.

"yeah, it was my brother's place to hang out," junmyeon nodded, "he told me to renovate it after he left. i'm a tech nerd, so that was easy."

"it's pretty big," yixing commented, sitting on the couch in front a long glass table.

"yeah. big house, big basement, you know?" junmyeon agreed, sitting down besides him. yixing was still looking around, realizing that an entire wall was made of chalkboard. he read the writing on it.

"what's all of that?" yixing asked junmyeon. junmeuom looked to it.

"oh, that's the game plan," junmyeon said, "or, well, that's what sehun and i started calling it. it basically keeps us on schedule for the whole tech company thing."

"that's cool," yixing nodded, "smart."

"thanks," junmyeon nodded, "so, why are you here, hyung?"

"i wanted to eat with you," yixing shrugged, grabbing the food out of the bags, "is that okay?"

"yeah," junmyeon smiled, grabbing a takeout box of noodles from him, "so, how's wonhyun?"

"threw a big fit about you leaving the moment you left the car," yixing laughed, opening another takeout box, "she really likes you."

"good," junmyeon nodded, "you sound surprised. does she not like most people?"

"she's a shy kid... she's not very outgoing. but she was very enthusiastic about you, i'm not quite sure why," yixing replied, handing junmyeon some chopsticks, "but she's easily intimidated and doesn't talk to nearly anyone she meets."

"sounds like me," junmyeon joked, eating some noodles. yixing laughed slightly.

"yeah. so, according to that game plan over there," yixing asked, "are you behind on the company thing or on time?"

"actually, sehun and i are a bit ahead," junmyeon nodded, surprised, "we'll probably fall back right on time, though, since we won't be able to work as much as we did today with classes and such. at the rate we plan on going, we should be done by prom."

"really? that's in just two months," yixing said, then shaking his head, "i don't know why they decided to have prom during the winter. it'll be colder than antarctica outside."

"eh, well, i'll be in the warmth of my house," junmyeon shrugged, "so i won't have to worry about that."

"you're not going to prom? why not, it's for juniors too, isn't it?" yixing asked. junmyeon nodded.

"yeah, but prom isn't really my scene," junmyeon said, "i'm more of a... well, nerd."

"you should go anyways," yixing said, "you only have prom once. well, i had it twice, but that's only cause i went when i was a junior. but since your graduating early and such, you should go."

"i wouldn't have anyone to go with," junmyeon shook his head, "i set sehun up with this guy named luhan, and i think they'll start properly dating soon."

"who knows? maybe i'll take you," yixing replied, glancing at junmyeon. he choked on his noodles, quickly swallowing and coughing slightly.

"ah... aren't you going with tzuyu? rumors are already starting that she's gonna be prom queen," junmyeon said, "and everyone knows that you'll be prom king. again."

"you knew about the first time?" yixing asked, surprised. junmyeon shrugged.

"you were the first person to ever get elected prom king as a junior. it was a big deal, a bunch of people talked about it," junmyeon replied. yixing nodded.

"i don't think tzuyu and i will last until then," yixing told junmyeon, "i have no interest in taking her to prom."

"really?" junmyeon asked, surprised, "you're gonna break up with her? wait, that's smart. you'll be the first guy to ever dump her. your popularity will raise."

"oh, i hadn't thought about it that way, but i suppose you're right," yixing nodded, "i just figured i was gonna break up with her cause she annoys me and we fight too often."

"hmm. it's a good idea, then," junmyeon smiled to himself, "you dumping her, i mean."

"yeah. probably should've a long while ago," yixing sighed, agreeing, "oh well. now is better than never."

"yup," junmyeon nodded, "do we have rice?"

"yeah, we have basically everything so feel free to grab what you want, bun," yixing told junmyeon, scooting closer to him. junmyeon smiled, reaching forward and grabbing the takeout box of rice and the remote. he clicked a button, a section of the wall moving and opening. yixing stared in shock.

"i don't even know why i'm surprised at this point," yixing told junmyeon, "i should just get used to the fact that you're outrageously cool."

junmyeon laughed, clicking another button so that the tv turned on.

"welcome, junmyeon and unknown visitor," an electronic voice said. yixing's mouth fell open.

"what was that?" yixing asked.

"that would be bobo," junmyeon said, "this artificial intelligence sehun and i made back in freshman year. bobo, save the unknown visitor's profile as yixing."

"saving," the tv spoke yet again, "welcome, yixing."

"uh... hi," yixing said back. junmyeon giggled slightly.

"do you have a favorite show?" junmyeon asked yixing. he nodded.

"friends," he responded.

"locating friends, american sitcom, in," bobo said. the first episode started playing on the tv.

"what's" yixing whispered to junmyeon.

"an app of mine. it's like netflix, but better," junmyeon explained, "i made this one my own."

"wow," yixing said, "i'm impressed."

"thanks," junmyeon nodded, grabbing the cool looking remote and tapping a button a few times without clicking it. the volume went up a little bit. yixing looked at junmyeon as the younger ate and watched the show happily. he grinned, pressing a kiss to junmyeon's neck wrapping his arm around him before looking to the tv. junmyeon went red, but didn't object to the closeness, instead only leaning into yixing's chest. yixing smiled at that.

yeah, i could easily fall in love with him.

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