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"uh, two tickets to isn't it romantic," yixing told the guy at the ticket booth.

"sure thing," the guy said, looking junmyeon up and down, "ah, are you with him?"

"hmm?" junmyeon asked, just zoning back in. his hoodie had slipped off, which didn't matter, since there wasn't anyone they knew from school.

"are you single?" the cashier asked him again. junmyeon blushed, looking wide eyed at yixing. he seemed pissed.

why you mad though?

"back off, he's mine," yixing told the cashier guy. the cashier frowned at him as yixing paid for the tickets.

"well, he didn't say he was with you," the cashier said, "i'm sure he can speak for himself."

"he's my boyfriend. babe, tell him so that he'll back off," yixing said. junmyeon blushed deeper.

"don't tell him what to say, man," the cashier's frown deepened, "he has a mouth, he can speak for himself."

"ah... i'm his boyfriend," junmyeon nodded, yixing's arm protectively snaking around his waist.

oh my god i'm gonna end up fanboying aren't i?

"alright, then. i'm here until two in the morning in case you change your mind, pretty boy," the cashier told junmyeon, winking. yixing's grip tightened.

"let's just go in," junmyeon whispered to yixing. yixing nodded, making a big show of kissing junmyeon in front of the cashier because yeah, he was pissed off, jealous, and petty. yixing pulled junmyeon into the theater after sending the guy one last glare, hand tightly holding junmyeon's as they walked to the concession stand.

"what do you want, doll?" the cashier at that stand asked junmyeon. junmyeon hummed, looking at the options.

"can i get some twizzlers?" junmyeon told the guy. yixing just seemed to get more pissed.

"anything for you, honey," the guy nodded, "hi, i'm wonpil."

"ah, hello," junmyeon said awkwardly, not used to social conversations. he hadn't at all picked up the fact that he was being flirted with once again.

"and for you, sir?" wonpil asked yixing. yixing's jaw clenched.

"popcorn, baby?" yixing asked junmyeon sweetly. junmyeon nodded.

"a large popcorn and a packet of skittles," yixing told him coldly.

"any drinks with that?" wonpil asked, blatantly checking junmyeon out as the boy tapped on glass rhythmically.

"what drink do you want, love?" yixing asked junmyeon.

"hmm... icee," junmyeon said.

"what flavor?" wonpil asked him, smiling at him.

"blue raspberry," junmyeon and yixing synchronized.

"okay, so would that be two, or...?" wonpil asked, confused by their unison.

"just one extra large," yixing answered, grabbing his wallet, "two straws."

"alright, just a moment," wonpil nodded, going to get them a popcorn and the drink. junmyeon looked to yixing.

"you mad?" junmyeon asked confusedly, "your voice is all... mean."

"he's flirting with you," yixing told junmyeon. junmyeon frowned.

"no he isn't," junmyeon laughed, "you've met me, right? people don't flirt with me."

well now yixing just had to prove that wonpil was in fact flirting with him, since junmyeon seemed convinced that no one found him attractive and that just wasn't true.

"i flirt with you all the time, what're you talking about?" yixing frowned, not looking to see who had gotten in line behind him, "that ticket guy flirted with you too."

"nah," junmyeon shook his head, "you just get jealous really easily."

he's not wrong, but that's not the point.

"that's besides the point," yixing shook his head, "what i'm saying is, everyone is flirting with you even if you don't see it, and i won't stand for it because yeah, i do get jealous easy."

"well then why do you want this guy to be flirting with me?" junmyeon snickered, "you're not making any sense."

"well, now i have to prove it to you because you're always right and now it's my turn," yixing said stubbornly, wonpil reappearing with their drink and popcorn, "oi, mate, you were flirting with him, right?"

"what?" wonpil asked, surprised he was called out.

"just answer the question," yixing said as he paid for the stuff.

"uh, yeah," wonpil nodded, looking to junmyeon, "are you single-"

"no, he isn't," yixing told wonpil, handing him a fifty and then grabbing everything, "let's go, doll, i don't like missing previews."

"ah, okay," junmyeon nodded, following after yixing, "you might as well pee on me, you know."

"oh please, you love it when i get dominant," yixing shook his head, junmyeon handing the tickets to the girl who was in charge of scanning the tickets to make sure they weren't old or used before. junmyeon blushed, shaking his head.

"you're wrong," junmyeon told him. yixing turned to him, hood still drawn.

"really? so if i were to push you up against that wall and just start kissing you, you wouldn't like that?" yixing asked in a 'don't bullshit with me' tone.

"well, you'd have to drop the food, and i'd be very upset if you dropped my twizzlers," junmyeon responded. yixing laughed, shaking his head.

"that's besides the point, babe, what i'm saying is you like it when i'm possessive and we both know it. works out well for you, since i'm just a giant pizza roll made up of junk food and jealousy," yixing told junmyeon.

"you're a cute couple," the girl told them, handing junmyeon back his tickets, "theater number nine. take a right and then it'll be the fourth one to the end."

"oh, thanks," junmyeon said, beet red as they walked away, "must you talk so loudly?"

"well yes, i'm very jealous right now and so i will express it," yixing replied, junmyeon opening the door for them, "hush now, we're in a theater."

"oh, yeah, i'm the one who needs to hush," junmyeon spoke in a whisper as they found good seats. the theater was basically empty besides a few girls at the very top. junmyeon figured it was cause of how late it was and that no one wanted to read subtitles so late at night since the movie was in english.

"shhhhh, previews," yixing told junmyeon jokingly, handing him his twizzlers, "it's basically empty. lucky us. don't have to deal with a bunch of loud thirteen year old girls."

"you're right," junmyeon laughed quietly, nodding as he opened the pack of twizzlers, "want some?"

"yeah, gimme one," yixing nodded, mouth opening. junmyeon just placed it in his mouth, understanding that yixing was still holding everything else and couldn't grab it properly yet. they put the drink in the armrest between them, eating small amounts of popcorn during the previews. yixing finally took his hood off, junmyeon leaning against him as the movie finally started. yixing smiled down at him, junmyeon's eyes still fixed on the screen as the lights dimmed and one last warning to turn off cell phones flashed on the screen before the film began. yixing tried to focus on the plot of the movie, he really did, but he found himself more focused on the way junmyeon's eyes lit up when he understood a joke, the way soft laughter would leave his lips each time something particularly funny would happen.

he liked it.

he liked him.

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