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everyone watched in utter horror as yixing was taken down by two guys twice his size. coach wang immediately called for a timeout, nurse youngjae running up to yixing to check on him.

junmyeon was a proud atheist, but he prayed like hell to every god he could think of.

"oh my god, is he okay?" sehun asked, junmyeon still silently praying. yixing hadn't gotten up yet, and it had been a solid minute and forty-seven seconds (junmyeon kept track).

"get up, please get up," junmyeon whispered as seconds ticked by. coach wang had run up to yixing, the rest of the team forming a circle around them, everyone trying to see if he was okay or not.

"go," sehun told junmyeon, who was itching to run up, "go check on him."

"should i?" junmyeon asked sehun. sehun nodded, taking the hot chocolate and twizzlers from him

"you shouldn't. but you have to," sehun told him, "hurry."

junmyeon ran up, making his way through the players. they stared at him in surprise as he knelt down besides yixing, who was writhing in pain.

"what's wrong with him?" junmyeon asked, worry laced in his voice. yixing turned to him, pain in his eyes.

"myeonie, baby, my leg hurts so much," yixing told junmyeon. junmyeon ignored the rest of the football players as they all, except for luhan, gasped in shock.

"that was the first he's spoken, thank god you're here," youngjae sighed in relief, "i was beginning to worry he went deaf."

"it's okay, yixing, i'm here," junmyeon told him through teary eyes.

"hold his hand while i check his leg, he's not letting me touch it," youngjae told junmyeon. he nodded, immediately holding yixing's hand.

"myeonie i miss you," yixing cried, too delirious from pain to realize what he was saying, "i missed you so much, and you wouldn't look at me, and i hated it."

"let me through!" junmyeon heard a girl screech. tzuyu made her way through the crowd, staring at junmyeon in shock.

"i don't want you wearing his jacket," yixing told junmyeon, tears rolling down his face, "baby, you can wear my letterman."

"you man-stealing whore!" tzuyu screamed at junmyeon, going to slap him. yixing finally noticed tzuyu, blocking the hit.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND!" yixing screamed at her. she backed away in shock.

"let's get him to the side," youngjae shook his head, checking yixing's pupils, "god, he's out of it. he won't even remember any of this most likely."

"he won't remember?" junmyeon asked, youngjae nodded.

"myeonie, i love you," yixing sobbed to junmyeon, holding onto his hand tightly as he stared at him, "i love you so much, and i know you hate me right now, but i want you to know that i love you and i couldn't ever be ashamed of you."

"yixing, you're delirious," junmyeon shook his head, wiping his eyes with his free hand. yixing shook his head, refusing that.

"no, no, i know what i want and i want you," yixing cried, "i want you more than i want prom king, i want you more than i want popularity, i want you more than anything. tell me you love me, junmyeon. i need to hear you say it."

even youngjae was staring at junmyeon at this point, waiting for his answer. junmyeon bit on his bottom lip, yixing looking at him. his bottom lip was quivering, and junmyeon knew it wasn't from the cold.

"yeah, yixing, i love you too. now fucking get up before i actually kill you."

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