chapter 2

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We made in to the clear and started hooting and cheering (hooting is a funny word....). I saw everyone from school was out tonight was huge and there's also a street race that Trevor is in. I saw the tumble Dani took off the wall with a double twist. Matt a member of the team and my spotter ran and slid between my legs as I jumped. I grabbed the pipe and spun up to a crouch position. Once I got my balance I did a flip and landed perfectly. We kept doing tricks until our part of the show was done.

Once we were done the group headed back to the tent area where we had our bag. I changed in to a pair of rip skinny jeans with knee high black boots and a lace tank and a gray shirt over top. I grabbed my shoulder bag and phone. Dani came out not to long after me and we threw our stuff back in my truck. We kept our ids and phone with us. We walked over to the race and saw Trevor waving me over. I laughed, shaking my head and walked over. "If I win... you have to give me something.' 'Like what." I said to him. "A date." He said. "Fine." I told him. With that I walked away back to Dani.

The race was going great. "What did he ask you?" Danielle asked. “He asked me out. If he wins." She just smiled at me. "You like him.' 'Yeah." We laughed. I looked back and that's when I saw his car flip. "Shit!" I yelled and ran towards his car. "Trevor!" I yelled when I ran to his car. Everyone was running behind me. I got to his car and saw that he was crawling out. He had a cut on his face. He saw me and stumbled over to me. "Are you ok?" I asked completely freaked out. Before he could say anything he passed out making us fall to the ground. "Someone calls for help!" I yelled. 20 minutes later the paramedics came. I rode with them to the hospital while Danielle tried to find Connor.

30 mins later at the hospital still haven't heard anything about him. Danielle and Connor was here waiting. Connor stayed in his seat with his hood on. Not saying anything. I stood by the entrance of the waiting room. No one knew who won the race and no one cares at moment. That's when they doctor came out. "Are you three here for Trevor.....? Well there's no last name." He said. "Yeah we are." I said moving from the wall. "He’s made it through. He's asleep right now but you may go into see him. He's in 429" We nodded and walked over that way. I opened the door and saw he had a private room. He was wake and looked at us. “Hey you...." I said walking over. "Do I still get the date....? Even though I lost.' 'Yeah you can." I said taking his hand. He pulled my hand up and kissed it. We sat there talking for a while. Connor took Danielle home and I stayed for a while longer. "We need to tell them.” I looked at my hands that he was holding. "I know...." That moment my phone went off. It was mom asking where I was. "Go back to bed. I know you don't care about me. “I replied to her.” I'll see you after class tomorrow. Ok?" I said walking back to him. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Sounds good." He said. I leaned down to kiss him. He put his hand behind my head to hold me there. I bit his lip pulling away. "Love you. Night. “I said grabbing my bag. I tossed him his phone and charger. I walked out of the door and headed towards the garage. Danielle drove my car over so I could get home.

Pulling up to my house was the last thing I wanted to do. I opened the door with my key and walked up to my room. Mom was standing by my door. I walked pass her. "You know what time it is?" She asked. "You know I don't give a fuck. Right. "I said slamming the door. I took a quick shower and went to bed. I got a text from Trevor::

Trevor- night baby girl. I Love you…

Me - night doofus. Love you too.

With that I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I woke up to my alarm going off. Ugh I didn't want to go to school. I took a quick shower and got dressed quickly climbing out my window to avoid my stupid mother. I got to my car and drove towards the school. I didn't want to be near my house at the moment. When the school came into sight I pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine. I got out and grabbed my bag walking to my locker. I put the code in and opened it throwing my book bag in and slamming it shut. With that I walked into the lunch room.

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