Chapter 7-The Conversation

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You all bike silently back towards the Barrens, ready to fight. "Hey, sorry about what happened in the street earlier. I shouldn't have kissed you." You whisper to Stan, not too quietly knowing that no one would say anything anyway.

What do you mean, sorry? He thinks to himself, struggling to find words. "Sorry? Man, I thought you knew me better y/n." He replies anger rising in his stomach. Wow I guess I was right. She doesn't love me. He watches as you twirl your beautiful (your color) hair between your thumb and index, blood from your nose gleaming in the sunlight making him cringe.

Richie... he thinks as he reaches for his inhaler, almost instantly stopping. You don't need it. He thinks again, watching you and Stan talk. He continues to bike, trying to ignore his closing lungs. Suddenly an image of his lung putting a "closed" sign on the door of his throat enters his brain. He giggles to himself as tears start to form in the corner of his eyes, his thoughts immediately going to Richie, a stub of a neck poking out from a plain white tee, now crimson with blood.

We're happily biking to our death we're unprepared and haven't planned and- his thoughts are interrupted by Bill whispering something to Bev. "After this, wanna catch a movie?" He asks making Bev blush. She doesn't love me. I knew this already. She'll go off and marry him and I'll have to watch as they grow up and move on, life will move on. At least for them. I'll never leave this town where nothing ever happens I will always be stuck in the good ole days. The days where I still thought Bev could love someone like me.

"Absolutely, Big Bill!" She says back, her heart fluttering into her throat. Suddenly her heart drops when she remembers the poem. Your hair is winter fire, January embers, my heart burns there too. Suddenly everything clicks into place. Bill wrote the poem. She says to herself, trying to make herself believe that Bill wrote the poem. The same Bill she fell in love with many years ago. Even though underneath all the fake of Bill, she knew the truth. "January embers." She softly whispers to herself, noticing Ben slightly wince at the tiny, meaningless, words.

Oh my god I'm going on a date with Beverly Marsh. The girl I've loved since the summer of 5th grade. Bill thinks, inconspicuously looking over at Bev, his heart fluttering to life. He watches her fiery red hair bounce in the subtle breeze, complete with what looks like strands of pure gold. If we get out. He thinks to himself, remembering how narrowly they had avoided It last time. "Well, if we get out." He adds softly, making Bev swerve a little. "Yeah..."

"I didn't say goodbye." Mike whispers to no one in particular. "Me neither." You whisper back, he notices tears streaming down your face. The blood. He thinks as he watches you peddle, legs pumping against the wheels. She's soaked in blood. Sharks can smell blood. He thinks oddly, trying to push the incoherent thought out of his brain. Sharks can smell blood. The thought ran through his brain, plastering itself to anything it can. I wonder if Turtles do too.

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