Chapter 9-Final part 2

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"Y/n! Watch out!" Stan screams as It lunges at you, It's legs narrowly avoiding your arm. You turn towards It and swing the pipe, missing by a hair. It whirls on you, black fluid flowing steadily from Its mouth. Suddenly you feel a hand grab your forearm and pull, sending you tumbling wildly towards them. "I got you." They say, pulling you into a tight hug. Stan you think as you look behind you.

"NO!" Bill screams as It lunges at him. Bill takes his fist and sends it hurtling towards It. His hand collides with It, sending it violently sprawling to the ground. "DIE!" Bev screams as she zooms over to It, kicking it in the head, stepping down. A horrible squishing sound comes out as Bev rubs her foot down on It, as if squishing a cockroach. Suddenly Bev stops and stares at the ground. Eyes glazed over a light hazel color.

"D-don't t-t-touch her!" Bill yells frantically, causing you to step back from her. It too has stopped moving and Its eye peers up at Bev, also the same hazel glaze covering it.

"RICHIE!" He scream as he stumbles around in the spiders web. The occasional burning sensation shooting up his arm from touching the ivory webs. "RICH-" He almost screams when he looks up to the vacant face of Richie. No he thinks as tears begin to form in his eyes, his mind slowing to a halt. He reaches up his hands and tears away at the strings of sticky. He yells out screeches of pain as he continues to pull at the web, until Richie comes falling down onto him.

"HELP ME!" You hear Eddie scream, making you run towards his voice. You see Eddie holding the lifeless body of Richie. "Oh my god." You whisper as you bend down to examine him. "We need to get the webs off of him." You say as you reach down to grab one, Eddie following your lead. Eventually you get all of them off, hands 3rd degree burned, but you don't notice. "RICHIE!" You scream violently, tears streaming down your bloody face. "Richie." Eddie says quietly, suddenly bending down to hug him. "Please, Richie I can't loose you. You're my best friend.". Suddenly, Richie opens his eyes, staring up at Eddie. "Geezus Eds, Get off me!" He says weakly, giggling slightly. Eddie let's out a soft sigh, then begins to cry, loudly and violently. A releasing feeling washes over you as you join him in tears.

"ARE YOU READY?" It screams as she plummets further into the darkness, moving closer to the deadlights. She tries to scream as It continues to talk, talking about Turtles and deadlights? She glances over her shoulder and looks back at the titanic Turtle hurdling farther away from her. "Your hair is winter fire, January embers. My heart burns there too." She says to It, confidently and sure suddenly, a deep bellow of pain comes from deep inside her brain. I hurt It

"Whats happening to her!?" Ben yells at Bill, panic lacing his voice. "Just shh!" He yells back, pacing in front of the seemingly conquered being. "What's going on?" You ask as you enter the main chamber, where Bev is staring at It. "We don't know." Ben says back, his eyes not leaving Bev. "I'm back, in case you cared." Richie says as he enters behind you, leaning on Eddie for support. It's actually quite a sight since Richie towers over him. "Hey!" Mike says rushing over to them, grabbing Richie off Eddie.

"Y/n!" He yells as he runs over to you, wrapping his arms around you. He let's out a sigh as you rest your head on his chest. "You're safe." He says shakily as you nod your head against his polo. He lets go of you and looks back at Bev. "This is exactly what happened to Bill last time." You say, Stan looks over at you, watching you cross your arms in front of your chest, love rising within him. "Yeah." He replies nervously.

"What are we even supposed to do?" Mike asks, letting Richie sit on the moldy concrete floor. "I don't know." Eddie whispers back, trying to not disturb the silence. The comfort is found in silence you think oddly. Suddenly, Bev let's out a loud gasp of breath and crumbles to the floor, her bandaged leg bleeding wildly. "NO!" Bill screams as he grabs Bev, whisking her away from It, who has now reared up Its legs to slam down on her head.

He watches as Bill stoops over Bev, tears streaming down his face and onto hers. Suddenly, he feels the urge to run, so he runs. He runs as fast as he can into It, screaming at the top of his lungs. Somehow, he's able to knock into It's side, sending It tumbling backwards. He looks up, looking over to see if Bev's ok, when he sees her kissing Bill. "January embers?" Bev asks, laying her head against the ground. "What?" Bill asks, confusion plastered across his face. A wave of anger rushes over Ben. I'm gonna kill him he thinks as he calmly walks over to where It lays, Its eyes darting around madly. "This time, you're not coming back." Ben whispers as he leaps on top of It, everyone behind him yelling to stop. He starts to grab at anything he possibly can. Anything vital enough to kill It. Suddenly he hears you cry out as a sharp pain goes shooting up his leg, the one near Its mouth. He turns around and sees the monster holding the mutilated leg in his bloodied fangs. No. He thinks as everything starts to go hazy, his mind running a million miles an hour. So this is what it feels like, death. At least the pain is gone. I think I'm gonna be ok. I can't wait to see my mom when I get home.

"OH MY GOD!" Bev screams as an earsplitting scream pierces her brain, causing a monumental headache. She looks over just in time to see Ben rip It's heart out, one quick fluid motion. She rushes over to him and pulls him away from It, a bloody trail flowing behind him. "You're gonna be ok." She says between loud hitching sobs. You rush over and stand behind her now kneeling body. "January embers?" She asks, her face glowing wet in the dim retreating light. "My heart burns there too. I love you Bevvie." Ben manages to get out before his eyes glaze over. Everyone gathers around him and watches as Bev starts to scream-cry.

You begin to walk over to It, who's now turning into a black ooze in front of you. All of a sudden the bodies start to float down from their places in the web. You look over and see an almost familiar face. You run over to see Gretchen. You bend down and wrap your arms around the cold body. You listen for a heartbeat of the child. A child. A child who will never grow up, never drive, never get her first kiss, never get married, never grow old. And among your thoughts you find the strength to cry. You sob into your hands, avoiding looking at the two lifeless bodies of people you know. People you laughed with, cried with, swam with. Suddenly you feel arms wrap around you, holding on tightly. "I love you, y/n." Stan whispers into your ear, his voice cracking from tears. "I love you too, Stan."

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