Chapter 17-Sadness Has A Meaning

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"What?!" You scream at Beverly as she puts her hands up defensively. You burst into tears, the liquid running down your cheeks. Beverly grabs onto you and holds you. You cry into her blouse when a calming hand is placed on your shoulder.

"What's wrong, little lady?" Richie Tozier says in his Irish Cop voice. He sits next to you and hugs your shoulder. Eddie nervously approaches next and sits in Richie's lap, holding your hand. The Stan comes over and sees how upset you are, and leans down to kiss your forehead.

"It's gonna be ok, honey. I love you." You cry into his shirt and let him comfort you.


"Charlie! Quite joking around! Mom and Dad are gone you can't just leave!" She screams at Charlie as he stands in her doorway. It's currently midnight and you and Stan are long gone.

"Mom seemed really upset I think something might be wrong. We should go after them, apparently there in a place called Bangor Maine." She says. Charlie nods and furrows his brow.

"Welp, lets go after them then. Meet me at my car at 12:30, pack warm." Charlie says frowning. Gretchen feverishly packs her bag, in an almost out of body experience. She can feel a sense of dread, a voice in her head is begging her not to go. Her dad. As clear as day the voice of Stanley Uris rings through her head. Don't go! Don't go to Derry! Derry Derry is a bad place. But you know no one in Derry ever really dies, do they Gretchen. The voice yells.

"My map is in the glove box." Charlie says, opening the locked box. Inside is a used bloody tissue, hand sanitizer, and a half eaten taco. Gretchen makes a face but finds the map. She looks through the Maine section and spots Bangor, but right next door is a place called Derry. Don't go to Derry Gretchen! The voice continues to scream.

"I think their in Derry. Let's go there."

"I'm so g-glad we're still engaged." Bill says, holding the shorter boy close to him. His stutter goes away in Mike's arms, it always has.

"Bill, you're married. And you love Beverly."

"I-I know and my m-m-m- shit! My m-mom would n-n-never app-rove."

"Didn't your mom pass away?"

"No. That was Y/n."

"Mom, please stay with us." You say quietly. Your mom was in the terminal stages of breast cancer, her time was almost up.

"It's ok, Y/n. You'll be ok. Just never forget that I love you and always wi-" and as she spoke, she died. You watched as her chapped, gray lips let out their last breathe, and her already lifeless eyes blinked close. You screamed, as loud as you could and laid your head on her chest. Such a small thing but her breasts were already gone which made you cry even harder. That was it. That was the last day you were able to even talk to your father, because all through her illness he slept around. He slept cheated on your mom so many times you didn't speak to him until the day it all came crashing down.

"I'm glad you all were able to join us." Mike says to the awkwardly silent room. You look around and notice Bill looking at Bev nervously. Odd you think.

"Yeah, us too Mikey! I absolutely love being able to spend my summer being threatened!" Richie says, trying to lighten the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Can I interest anyone in a drink? I know it's been a tough trip." Everyone nods and Mike tosses cheap BudLight to each person. You take yours gratefully and place your finger by the tab. You carefully pull and the familiar can opening sound greats your ears. After your mom died your dad got pretty heavy into drinking. Since you were 21 and a senior in college it didn't bother you that much but man was he an angry drunk. That is until the incident.

"Stay u-up with me- (hick)" your father slurs out sadly.

"I have finals tomorrow I need to sleep." You respond impatiently. You stayed up until this point at 11:00 at night studying.

"Y/n please."

"I don't know what to tell you but I'd rather not stay up the night before the most important tests of my college career to entertain my wasted alcoholic father. I'm good." You turn over in bed and listen for him to walk away. After a minute or two he quietly walks off and closes the door behind him.

You were drifting off, letting yourself be relaxed for the first time in a long time, when a sound like thunder wakes you. You stumble blindly in the dark, heading towards what you believe is the source. Your ears are ringing and you assume it's some sort of explosion when the sight greets you. You walk into your dads bedroom and there he is laying on his bed. A shotgun placed next to him. You see blood spurting from his mouth and pieces of skull and brain splattered on the headboard. In his other hand is a note, and a bottle of vodka.
The note-
"Dear y/n,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting you go out with Gretchen and because of me she's dead. I'm sorry for cheating on your mother and letting you watch her die alone. I couldn't handle it. The one night you were gone and we had that death scare, people say when you die you just slip away but that's not what happened. She screamed. She screamed until she died and I couldn't witness her screaming anymore. I'm also sorry for drinking. To quote your favorite childhood book, I used to read it to you every night and every night I kissed you goodnight. Man I miss that. "Oh the places you'll go!" I'm so proud of you and I always have been. I know you don't love me anymore but I love you, and I always will. Goodbye."

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