Chapter 8//The Broken Soldier

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I shift around uncomfortably in the HYDRA uniform, running over the plan in my head. Just a few days ago our plane had landed, and we launched into Phase 1 of our plan: Infiltrate HYDRA by being HYDRA. It was a simple plan, but it would work.

Luckily for me, I remember most of HYDRA's protocols considering I worked here for 70 years.

"Sergeant Collins, please head upstairs to the control deck where you'll be stationed for the next few weeks," Colonel Forde orders as I nod, my back stiff as I head up the stairs. Tony is playing prisoner to HYDRA, Kristina is in the Field Op Sector, and Brent is in the Science and Technology quarter. I frequently kept getting switched around.

I walk down the long stone hallway, the only sound is my footsteps and the patter of leaking water hitting the ground. My mind was set on finding out where the mutants were and reporting them to Kristina who could go and get them. Brent would be creating an explosive to blow the building when we leave so we can take care of at least one-fifth of HYDRA.

I come to the end of the hallway where I see a set of steel doors. Taking out my HYDRA key card, I swipe the scanner pad and walk inside. Four other males are monitoring the base as I set myself down at one of the chairs farthest away from peeping eyes.

A set of three computer monitors separated into four squares in each is in front of me. A keyboard and two control pads are on the table. The control pads appear to be for making calls and controlling all the entrances and exits for intruders. Or spies like myself.

For the next hour, I frequently search through each and every camera to try and see where the mutants were being kept hidden. The fact that it was taking me an hour was worrying me. Did I bring us to the wrong base? Was this facility really this huge? Or was something else up. I came across the camera into the Field-Op sector where I could see Kristina was practicing against another female. The female has the looks of someone who lured the men in by their body but then killed them before it went too far. I was worrying Kristina would get hurt, that is until I watch as the girl swings her fist, Kristina snatching it before it hit her. She twists the fist until the girl cries out in pain, before kicking her legs up and wrapping her feet around the girl's neck, flipping her around to the ground. I almost want to jump up and cheer.

Another camera shows Brent in a lab, putting pieces together to create a bomb. We all agreed a bomb would be the easiest to hide but the quickest to use. A man approaches Brent, and it appears as if he's asking him a question. My stomach drops hoping Brent can slip his way out. Luckily he does, acting for once in his life professional.

Tony sat quietly in a cell, not a very sturdy one, but a prison cell. Tony's job was to get a key card from one of the guards, which I could see his eyes were calculating right now. What was not surprising was his usual sarcastic comments driving the guards insane.

A screen catches my eye. I look to the far left monitor to see a steel door. Nothing special about it, nothing different. Except for the fact it seems more heavily guarded then all the others. One of the higher ranking HYDRA agents exits, and I catch a glimpse of cages inside. Perfect.

I touch my earpiece that we all distributed before coming here, writing down the location of the door at the same time.

"Agent Mallow, I have the information you were looking for," I whisper through the earpiece, remembering our code names and code words to say that we have found what we needed. Just in case HYDRA was suspicious and was tapping into our earpieces.

"Roger that Agent Collins," Kristina reports back, out of breath. Probably from beating up everyone. "Meet me in the South corridor with the file," she orders. I push my chair back and walk over to the door at the end of the room. I act slower, trying to make it seem natural and not rushed. I swipe my HYDRA I.D. card and exit the control room, taking a sharp right to head towards the South Corridor. Two lefts and one right later I find myself in another stone hallway with leaking pipes and moss growing on the ceiling.

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