The Three Broomsticks

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This is going to be a really short part so sorry! I might start writing this more often but I also might not
Draco  landed almost directly opposite the three broomsticks. "What we doing here?" Hermione asked. "I'm thirsty!" Draco replied, smirking. Once they had found a seat nearer the back of the room, where it was warmer, and had drinks they soon started chatting. They had been sat there for nearly a whole hour when Draco suddenly said, "it's funny how much my father hates your mudblood arse!" Hermione jumped out of her seat. "My mudblood arse?!" Hermione shouted before throwing the rest of her drink over him. "Bye Malfoy," Hermione whispered before walking out.

Back at the common room

"Hey 'mione, are you ok?" Ron asked. Without an answer Hermione broke down into tears. Her legs became so weak she fell into Ron. Hermione had loved Malfoy but she'd only just realised it. She didn't get why his family hated muggleborns and she definitely didn't understand what was wrong with disagreeing with his parents. Hermione grabbed Harry's invisibility cloak and ran to a quiet part of the commen room to silently sob alone.
Meanwhile Draco had gone to the astronomy tower as he knew he would be alone there....

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