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Trying to figure out this dense Labyrinth,
Craving for the wings of Icarus.
It doesn't stop for the time umpteenth,
Becoming more and more rigorous.
Albeit the consciousness settles for a constant strife,
I'm compelled to live a flavoured niche life!

At home you'll see me as a puppet,
My family's favourite marionette!
My movements already planned to a T,
They want to make me a Prodigy!

At outdoors I'm a social dog,
People enjoy sending me running behind thrown log(s).
Society is the cruelest ringmaster,
Violation of rules ends one up in plaster.

For my friends I'm a guinea pig,
As they are the ultimate prig(s).
They see me as a subject of laughter,
And experiment with my emotions later.

At work I'm a professional robot,
Here everyone's sailing in the same boat.
We're functioned as such to please the Boss,
A minuscule mistake and you'll be at a loss.

For my boyfriend I'm a dummy doll,
My groomed self cautions me not to fall.
I maintain an hour glass figure just as he wants,
'It isn't true love' my subconsciousness taunts.

Heya guys! Here's another update.
So what role do you play?
I would love to read your comments.
Do vote and support me.
I'll meet you next time.
Till then Hasta-la-vista guys!

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