Beautifully Unfinished- Ella Henderson

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~the day after the Strictly final. Joe has had feelings for Dianne throughout the whole series that developed majorly but he kept them bottled up and never said anything because he was afraid of ruining their perfect friendship and he was unsure whether the way Dianne acted around him was an act put up for dancing or whether she was genuinely interested in him romantically~

Joe's POV:
I sat in my bed early Sunday morning, listening to the rain hammering down against the window and feeling empty inside. Everything we had over the past three months was gone in an instant, I threw it away because I was afraid and now I regret everything. I have been sat here for hours, not moving, but praying for my phone to light up with a message from her, praying that we could dance together one last time, praying that I get the chance to confess exactly how I feel about her and that it will all work out. Realising that I was never going to get anymore sleep, I pick up my phone and decide to just message her; to tell her everything. After reading through all our old messages, I type out the message before quickly backspacing it all, the risk was far too great- I mean, someone as perfect as Dianne could never fall for me, could she? She's probably out right now in the cafe we would get a chai latte at each morning with another man, laughing and loving him... not me like I so desperately want. I know that I should just move on but somehow I can't: it's like Dianne has this emotional hold on me that draws me back to her every time. Being with her was spellbinding, I forget how to breathe, how to walk and talk normally, she brightened my life and I have no idea what I even am to her. Colleague? Friend? Does she want more, like I do? Face it Joe, it was never meant to be.

Dianne's POV:
Beautifully unfinished- that's the best way to describe Joe and I. This is the first day in months I have spent away from him, the week was spent training, Saturday was filming and Sunday was always at his house, filming for his channel. I felt empty, like a piece of me was missing, he had captured that and taken it with him. I desperately wished to be more than friends with Joe, I had never felt that way about anyone and thought he was feeling the same but when he never said anything so I just assumed acting for the sake of the dances was another one of that mans many talents. Sighing, I picked up my phone to see I had a notification that he was typing half an hour ago, but never sent a message. That's odd, was everything ok? I sat in bed listening to the rain running through the streets of London, wondering what he would be doing with his first day off in months: he's probably out with his friends and a beautiful young woman, after all, somebody as perfect as Joe could never fall for a girl like me.

Joe's POV:
Sighing, I threw myself out of bed and decided the best thing to do was go on a walk; to clear my head with some fresh air and cleanse my soul with the rain pouring down on me. Pulling on some trousers, a T-shirt, my coat and some trainers, I splash out the door and down the streets, aimlessly wandering with no sense of direction. I find myself replaying every moment with Dianne, every laugh we shared, the tears I wiped when she was upset, the way her touch felt against my skin and how the one accidental kiss in the week of the Viennese waltz felt- how we never spoke about it but I wish, more than anything in the world, that we had because maybe then things could be different between us and we would be together, curled up watching films instead of me sulking and slipping through rain filled streets. After walking for what felt like an eternity I found myself outside the cafe, her favourite cafe, and sighed when the beacon of red hair couldn't be seen. I was flooded with relief she wasn't there with another man, but regret as I realised that it could've been us if I had just been honest about my feelings. Realising tears are welling in my eyes, threatening to run like rivers down my cheeks, I spin round and continue walking aimlessly through the miserable weather. I hate her for making me feel this way, yet I know I don't- because I feel this way out of my love for her. I can't seem to win her over but I know deep in my soul that I cannot lose her, it'll be like losing a piece of me.

Dianne's POV:
I know the best thing for me to do is carry on with my life as through I had never met him, as though the last three months had never happened, so I throw my hair into a ponytail, grab an oversized jumper before heading downstairs to make breakfast. I couldn't stop the tears from trickling out as I pull the jumper over my head, realising it's one of Joe's and inhaling his scent still lingering on the collar from when he last wore it. No longer feeling hungry, I decide on just a banana and a glass of water before curling up on the sofa to sob, remembering all the perfect memories together, from his touch on my skin, his humour, his face that could light up a room and the one accidental kiss that we never spoke about. After what felt like an eternity of being flooded by tears I heard the doorbell so forgetting my appearance, I decided to go and open it. I'm greeted by the person I least want to see right now.

Joe's POV:
After aimlessly wandering for hours, I found myself outside the block of Dianne's apartment. I debated with myself as to whether I should say something and after realising it's another thing I would regret if I didn't take the opportunity, I ran up the stairs to her door with rivers of tears running down my cheeks before I could change my mind. Taking a deep breath, I pressed the doorbell and heard her shuffling and sniffling around inside. But when she came to the door I was greeted with a sight I never expected to see.

Dianne stood behind the door with just her face poking around the side, but it was still enough for me to see her bottom lip still trembling, her eyes swollen and red with tears still running down her cheeks. Seeing her like this broke my heart and I wanted more than anything for her to be mine, for me to be the one comforting her. With no rational thinking, I lunge forward and place a passionate yet delicate kiss upon her lips, lingering there as I wipe her tears away with my thumb and my palm resting on her cheek. Realising she was still stood frozen, I quickly run my tongue and begin profusely apologising but I am interrupted by her throwing herself into my arms and kissing me once again, pulling away with a small giggle escaping her lips, causing my face to crack to the biggest smile as she whispered "I have wanted to do that for so long, I was terrified I had lost you". She drops my coat to the floor and pulls me over to the sofa, only then do I realise she's wearing my jumper, making my smile increase even more as she immediately curls up in my arms, head resting on my chest but looking up at me. Without even thinking, I mutter "Di, will you be my girlfriend" and her response is music to my ears. "Absolutely, I have wanted you to say that for months" before placing another kiss on my lips and sighing to herself contentedly. This is it, this is all I have wanted from the moment I met her. I thought I had lost it but life has a funny way of working and guiding us to what we need. We sat on the sofa for hours, chatting about everything we had kept bottled up for months and how stupid it was that we kept it secret.

Dianne's POV:
The only reason I hadn't wanted to see Joe is because I knew I needed to get over him and because I looked a mess, but when he kissed me all of that changed and my worried melted with it. Joe was finally my boyfriend and felt exactly the same way I did, I was so content in his arms, feeling protected and loved with those gorgeous blue eyes melting through my soul. This was it, this is how I want it to be. Maybe we aren't beautifully unfinished, but rather beautiful together.

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