The Negative- Waitress The Musical

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Dianne had met Joe almost a month ago whilst she was on a night out with the girls, the pair of them got on well with liquor igniting their systems so she went home with him and things escalated from that point very quickly...
before he woke in the morning she had left and they hadn't spoken since, but Dianne wasn't feeling well so she spoke to the two girls she trusted with her life for advice and they came to only one-daunting- conclusion after quickly working out a few dates

Amy's PoV:
"Cmon girl, just do it"

Oti, Dianne and I had crowded into Dianne's apartment bathroom, staring at the pregnancy test sat on the side, taunting us and waiting to be taken. One silly girls night out had taken a turn and ended with Oti and I losing Dianne- we later found out that this is because she had slept with a young, rather attractive man she had just met and then run away in the morning, despite wanting to get to know him better, she was scared for it to be anything more than a one night stand because she assumed that was all men ever wanted her for. After being sick a couple days this week we convinced her to take a test but now, stood in her bathroom on what should be a regular Wednesday evening after professional group rehearsals in August, the reality of it all started to sink in and we could tell she was petrified so Oti chipped in some words of encouragement.

"Oh Di you can do this, you said you don't want to know but I think you know you've waited long enough. It's better to know, whether is a no or a yes we will both be right here supporting you and we can get through it together, but you've got to take the test so let's read the instructions... se puede saber la dura-"

"Oti, try the english!" I snapped, realising how strong my (usually more subtle) welsh accent had come across.

"That's not helpful is it? Di, sweetie, it's a simple test, all it takes is a pee on the stick and a couple minutes waiting, then you'll know for certain what the future holds. So you go take the test, Oti and I will wait right out here and we will say a quick prayer and focus on the negative ok? We are right here."

Dianne's PoV:
I took the test and let the girls into the bathroom again, the three of us sat on my bathroom floor staring up at the upside down stick on the counter that- once the short timer on Amy's phone was up- would determine my future. Breaking the silence, I began to ponder upon how I had got myself into such a mess; sat praying for one line instead of two. The three of us had gone out for a bit of fun in the same way we usually do, yet I ended up making a stupid, life changing decision. I cursed that red dress that hugged me in all the right places and the liquor that I allowed to fuel my system, before Oti chipped in on how much she loved that dress because it made me look like the talented latin dancer she claims I am in the clubs and Amy snapped at her to stay focused, making me giggle at how comical the three of us must appear right now; a Welsh, Australian and South African girl all huddled on the floor with barely space to breathe between us as we sat at this pivotal point in life, one that will be remembered by all of us for different reasons.

Amy tried the optimistic route, suggesting just because we were stupid and left it unprotected didn't mean I was certainly pregnant. Maybe he wasn't very fertile or it was just not the right time?

No matter what the girls ushered as reassurance I just couldn't take in what they said, instead I rambled on about how unbelievable it is that one night can ruin your whole life. I mean- if I'm pregnant- my dance career is over. I am alone. My parents are on the other side of the world. I don't know my baby's father. I'm not financially in the place for a child. I'm not mentally prepared to be a mother. I'm not...

"Dianne! Calm down hunny. We don't know what that says yet. I know you're panicking but it might just be one line? No matter the outcome, you know Amy and I are right here for you and we will do everything we can. Hell, you can come and live with us in our apartment and we will look after you. You're strong, you don't need to know who the father would be, because you're more than strong enough to be an incredible mother on your own. Yes, you'd be off the dancing scene for a while but not forever; Nadiya is a mother remember? It'll all be ok."

Then I heard Amy chip in, barely above a whisper as if she was afraid to ask. "I thought you didn't sleep around anymore Di?"

well the truth is, I don't but it was just one drunken night and a stupid mistake I shouldn't have-

"oh sweetie, we have ALL been there at some point" came the wise words of miss Oti Mabuse, both Amy and I sharply turned our heads and raised a brow and her questioningly, just as the timer went off on Amy's phone, causing every one of us to jump out of our skin and squeal before collapsing into nervous giggles on the bathroom floor, apprehensive as to what the test will say and nervous beyond belief.

"Ok Dianne, this is it. It will all be alright- flip that test over and see what it says"

I took a deep breath and with jittering hands, turned over the lump of plastic with my fate written all over it. There was the result, clear as day for every one of us to see as we huddled round it

"Fuck" came the synchronised response of every girl in that bathroom, as a single tear rolled down Dianne's cheek and she sank to the floor, both girls she was proud to call her best friends now throwing their arms around her as they all sunk down to the cold, harsh reality of those bathroom tiles.

A/N: hey! So this one is a little different to the other chapters but the song had such a clear meaning to it and it's from waitress so I couldn't help myself :)
One of you suggested an idea to me for a chapter which I am in the process of writing, I just had a bit of a block on that one as I was inspired to write this! So anyway the chapters you guys have suggested are coming and feel free to let me know if you have any other ideas!
Love, R xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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