Smell Like Him- Picture This

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Joe's PoV:
I was sat on the floor of the studio waiting for Dianne, it was unlike her to be late but I knew she was going through a rough patch with Anthony and it hurt me to see her in pain so I let it slide. Hearing the door open, I looked up from my phone to see the beautiful reddo I had fallen so hard for bounding through the door like a puppy with a spring in her step and a smile plastered across her face, subconsciously making me smile. She ran over to me as I stood up and engulfed me in the usual hug, however instead of making my heart swell, this time it shattered.

She smelt like him. Anthony. The smell of Anthony lingered on her skin, tainting the sweet scent of her perfume I was so used to and I adored so much. That's why she was so happy today, she had spent the night with him, obviously they patched up whatever the issue was this time. Whilst I loved nothing more than seeing her happy, I felt a fire burning in my chest as I realised that happiness was caused by another man- not me. I felt my whole body tense as I inhaled the toxic smell before I let go of her and walked to the other side of the room, avoiding her gaze.

Dianne's PoV:
I hadn't felt so light, so free, so happy in a long time. Last night Anthony had come round to talk about us but I ended it with him, realising I had feelings for Joe and couldn't act on them whilst I was in a long distance relationship full of fights and disappointment. He had stayed the night in a spare room because of travel but it was a relief to know it was done.

As I bounced into the studio and hugged Joe tighter than ever, he went stiff and walked away, avoiding eye contact and panic rushed through me. What did I do? Was it too much, too soon? Had I overdone it again, ruined everything like usual? I bit my lip to fight the tears as I called out his name asking if he was ok and he snapped back "I'm fine- why would you care?"

Joe's PoV:
I instantly regret snapping at her and knew there was no way we could practice well with this tension so I decided to go outside and get some air, all our memories flooding back to me- tainted with the idea of her going back to Anthony and not to me. I remembered the first time we were at the strictly party together, how she first walked over to me with a round of drinks and grinned at me- a devilish grin I knew right then and there would capture me and have me in trouble. I remembered the hangover in the morning but couldn't help my mind wandering to how Dianne must have been that morning, hungover but curled up in Anthony's arms despite the way we had danced together, Anthony looking after her in all the ways I wanted to, Anthony being her protector. I don't know what happened last night but she was clearly with him so I should just forget everything, remember I'm here to be her dance partner for tv and nothing more. I fought off all the memories of the late night walks back to her apartment or the Uber rides, the times I held her tight in my arms as she cried over how nasty Anthony had been. As I began to remember the night I spent at hers whilst she sobbed, I shook my head to rid myself of it and went back to training, feeling guilty for storming out dramatically after snapping with no explanation.

Dianne's PoV:
Watching Joe storm out the room was like watching someone rip my heart out my chest. Knowing it was me that made him feel that way but not knowing what I did was heartbreaking, I wanted to hold him in my arms like he did the night I was sobbing but that wasn't what he wanted, clearly. I slumped into the corner of the room and decided to change my phone background to me and Joe from me and Anthony- maybe he would get the hint? I thought back to that first strictly party when I walked seductively over to him with our drinks, grinning as I realised how attractive he was and how me holding eye contact with him for the time I strutted over was enough to make him squirm in his seat. I put my phone down and stood up, deciding I should just go to find him and talk this through, we needed to stay friends for the sake of the show if nothing else. Just as I went to open the door, it flew open and I jumped back, squealing.

Joe's PoV:
I went back and threw the door open, flinching as I heard Dianne yelp and jump backwards. "Oh my gosh Di I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you were there!" She giggles and told me not to worry, sheepishly asking if we could talk. I smiled shyly and agreed, following her to the corner of the studio and sitting down. I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, beginning to talk before she had a chance to mutter a word. I explained everything. The reason I stormed off, the thoughts I had, the jealousy i felt, the selfishness, all the time apologising profusely. I felt so guilty knowing I didn't want her to be happy if it was because of another man to me, but it's how my heart felt and I trusted her so much that in my waffle apology it just slipped out, my gaze diverted from her and remained on my hands in my lap the whole time. I finished rambling with an "I'm so sorry Di, it's unprofessional and stupid of me" before a silence fell upon the studio and I heard her sigh

Dianne's PoV:
I took a deep breath after his explanation before taking his hand into mine, causing him to look at me bewildered. I smiled gently at him before placing a delicate kiss on his cheek, causing even more confusion in him. "Joe- I broke up with Anthony last night, he was round mine but I ended it because I have feelings for you. That's why I smell of him." I giggled as his eyes went wide a grin spread across his face, replacing the confusion and filling my heart once again. I smiled back, taking his other hand in mine too and keeping eye contact, gazing into those stunning blue eyes I was falling so quickly for, noticing every shade.

Joe's PoV:
I couldn't believe the words I was hearing, That was the last thing I expected. She took both my hands and I stared into her hazel eyes whilst smiling, noticing the way hers creased as she grinned before my eyes flickered to her lips and hers did the same- before either of us could think of the consequences I leant forward and closed the gap between us, lips connecting for the first time in an explosion of emotion. It was gentle yet meaningful, the best first kiss ever. When we pulled away we stayed sat for a while, foreheads pressed together and we let what had happened sink in, before we hugged again and I realised Dianne no longer smelt of herself or of him; she smelt like me- a way of showing the world she was mine now and I prayed, forever.

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