Help me make it through the night - Michael Bublé

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"J-Joe, would you... uh... would you mind s-staying round mine tonight? It's just... I, Uhm..."

"Dianne, I know you're hurting and it's ok. Of course I'll stay at yours tonight, I was going to offer anyway because I hate seeing you hurting so much"

Dianne's PoV:
A day of training was exhausting enough, doing it on minimal sleep after a break up was more draining than even imaginable, physically and mentally. Anthony and I were over, I knew ending it with him was the best thing to do because I had feelings for Joe that were making me feel so guilty, Anthony and I often fought and struggled with the distance. Despite all this- calling off a nine month relationship isn't any easier, it still hurts and I still feel lonely even though I know that Joe cares and will always be here. At around 10pm at the end of training we bundled into a cab and headed back to mine, Joe holding me close to him the entire time, paying the driver despite me offering and then following me up to my apartment, the gentle patter of his feet as he walked silently with me was oddly comforting, just knowing he was there already had me feeling better.

Joe's PoV:
I hadn't even thought twice when Dianne asked me to stay with her tonight, I care so much about her and would do anything to keep her happy. We went straight to hers after rehearsal and she showed me round briefly before we opened a bottle of wine and sat to eat the meal she had already prepared- Dianne was far more organised than me. Once we had eaten we made our way to the sofa to watch something she had chosen, I hadn't even payed attention to what it was because I just wanted to see her happy, to see that smile on her face I had fallen... I stopped myself. No joe, it's way too soon for that.

Half way through the film Di was cuddled close to me, her head resting on my chest and her hand had found mine, her fingers idly playing with mine- not quite daring to go the full way and hold my hand. I began to feel her breathing alter, becoming slower and deeper as her hand stilled and I knew she had fallen asleep on my chest. Smiling to myself, I took my hand from her grasp and began to play with her hair, content that she was in my arms. After a few moments I realised she couldn't sleep like this all night, so I whispered for her to wake up as I continued stroking her hair.

Dianne's PoV:
I woke up to joe playing with my hair, a feeling I could live with forev... no Dianne, stop that. I snuggled deeper into him before he giggled and whispered "Di, you can't sleep here all night, let's get you up to bed". Rolling over to face him, I smiled sweetly before getting up and taking both his hands to pull him off the sofa and up to my room. I gave him a toothbrush and some of Andrews grey joggers to sleep in as he didn't have anything and my brother had left them ages ago without realising. Being the incredibly sweet person Joe is, he tucked me into bed and hugged me tightly before walking over to the door.

Joe's PoV:
"Where are you going?" I heard Dianne call out from the bed. I paused in her doorway and turned back round, telling her I was going to sleep on the sofa. She pouted and gave me that irresistible look before patting the space next to her in the bed and whispering "come and lay down by my side, please?" I sighed before making my way over to her again, that's an offer I simply couldn't decline, any man would have to be insane to do so.

Dianne's PoV:
I knew it was wrong, asking my dance partner to sleep in my bed to comfort me. I knew I shouldn't, that this would blur the lines of friendship and more- but I couldn't help myself. Joe was everything to me and I wanted to make the most of it, every other guy always broke my heart but this feeling in my gut told me Joe was different. As he lay down next to me I felt the hot tears trickling down my cheeks, unable to contain them any longer as I sniffed back others that threatened to spill like the banks of a burst dam.

Joe's PoV:
I was so deep in my own thoughts that I hadn't even realised Dianne had begun to cry until she was sobbing next to me. Sitting bolt upright instinct kicked it, I had never been good with emotions but right now Dianne needed me. I held my arms out and pulled her in so close to me I don't know how she could breathe. I didn't dare to let go as I felt her body shaking and the tears soaking through my shirt on my shoulder as she buried her head deeper and deeper into my neck. I began whispering sweet nothings to her until she settled, her breathing becoming steady and she was able to sit up again and look me in the eyes before I started talking.
"Dianne, I'm not going to make you explain this so I can understand, I don't care who was right and who was wrong, I don't care what this situation means for us because right now all I care about is you. I care that you're ok, today has gone and I know we won't be the same tomorrow but I don't care, I want to make you the happiest you've ever been, I will always be here for you Di because you're an incredible woman who deserves to be treated as such-" I stopped myself as my voice began to wobble, I needed to be strong for her. Before I could even look up to understand how she was feeling, I was knocked backwards and felt her smile radiating from her cheeks with the gentle and comforting weight of her on top of me.

Dianne's PoV:
I couldn't believe what Joe was saying, it was so clear he meant every word and it was raw emotion, taking me aback because he had said how bad he was with them and causing the biggest grin to spread across my cheeks. Upon hearing his voice begin to waver with the heartfelt speech I lunged forward and knocked him backwards, wrapping him into a tight hug as I lay on top of him, a grin spreading across my cheeks and me burying my face into his neck. I felt his whole body tense before relaxing and wrapping his arms round my torso, rolling onto his side and pulling the duvet over us so we were in a comfortable position to sleep. Pulling away slightly, I looked into his eyes before planting a delicate kiss on his lips and feeling him pull me in to him even tighter, kissing my lips gently to prove the feeling was mutual. In that moment I felt all the broken pieces of my heart come together and be more full of love than ever before, a feeling I prayed would last forever, I never wanted him to let go. Tomorrow is a day from the devil, knowing we will have to talk about this, even if we were to become a couple like I so desperately wanted, during the days we would have to pretend to be friends for the sake of both our contracts and careers. I held him tight, never letting go and whispering "thank you Joe, for helping me make it through the night".

A/N: hey guys, sorry this chapter is so many days late! I was at a wedding but I'm also a floristry assistant so was helping set up the wedding, I simply didn't have time to write this to a semi-decent standard.
Thank you so much for the love and support on the first three chapters, please feel free to comment any songs you would like me to write one about and I'll do my best!! All my love, R xx

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